Reggae ina your jeggae, come make you reggae
lady me nuh wan no contention
Reggae in de grass, lady me nuh wan no fuss fuss In, lady me nuh wan no contention
Reggae ina your jeggae, lady me nuh wan no contention Dandy, reggae ina your jeggae
Reggae strike it, lady come make de option begin
Reggae ina your jeggae, come mek you reggae
Reggae strike it, reggae ina your jeggae, reggae ina your jeggae
lady me nuh wan no contention
reggae ina your jeggae
Lady come make de option begin, reggae ina your jeggae
Lady me nuh wan no cuss cuss, come mek you reggae, reggae ina your jeggae
Reggae in the night time, lady me nuh wan no bangarang
reggae ina your jeggae
me jus wan fi reggae
come make you reggae
Reggae ina your jeggae, come make you reggae, reggae in the night time
Reggae in the mornin, reggae ina your jeggae
Lady me nuh wan no contention, come mek you reggae Dandy, me jus wan fi reggae
Come make you reggae, me jus wan fi reggae Dandy, come mek me give you the number two and mek you feel good
Reggae ina your jeggae, reggae ina your jeggae Your, come mek me give you the number two and mek you feel good
Come mek you reggae, reggae ina your jeggae
reggae ina your jeggae
Reggae ina your jeggae, lady me nuh wan no bangarang Reggae, lady come make de option begin
reggae in the mornin
Come mek you reggae, lady come make de option begin, lady me nuh wan no contention
Reggae ina your jeggae, lady me nuh wan no cuss cuss, reggae ina your jeggae
Lady me nuh wan no bangarang, lady me nuh wan no bangarang
Me jus wan fi reggae, lady me nuh wan no fuss fuss In, reggae strike it
Lady me nuh wan no contention, lady me nuh wan no bangarang
Reggae ina your jeggae, me jus wan fi reggae
Lady me nuh wan no bangarang, reggae ina your jeggae
Reggae in de grass, reggae ina your jeggae
Anytime you like just reggae, come mek me give you the number two and mek you feel good
me jus wan fi reggae
Reggae ina your jeggae, lady come make de option begin Jeggae, come mek you reggae
Reggae ina your jeggae, come mek you reggae
Lady me nuh wan no contention, reggae ina your jeggae
Come make you reggae, come mek me give you the number one and drive you home
Lady me nuh wan no cuss cuss, come mek me give you the number two and mek you feel good In, me jus wan fi reggae