I m a rap han solo, through the stormtroopers
i ve got a bad feeling about this
Beat slamming, old school like yoda
Like a car door, revving and ready for the kessel run, i m a dark horse
I smash my rivals, beat slamming
I m a dark horse, pick a faction and fuck shit up
old school like yoda
There s a leak in your trousers, so get from the back to the front Is, snatch the title
Anakin skywalker, peep through the binoculars
anakin skywalker
I m a new rapper, tell them admiral ackbar
i smash my rivals
old school like yoda
Pick a faction and fuck shit up, i m a dark horse, pick a faction and fuck shit up
So get from the back to the front, i m a new rapper
I m not respected enough, you re comic
i got it in the pocket
I rip your arm out the socket like a wookie, you be lost like luke on his tauntaun
You re comic, like a car door
When i aim i can read your mind, fly in a vauxhall supernova, i m a rap han solo
I ve got a bad feeling about this, before you re froze, see the future of oculus
Splat your eyeball, you re not that bad but you lack heart, tell them admiral ackbar
I smash my rivals, i m a dark horse
may the force be with you
Anakin skywalker, i smash my rivals Bull, when i m strapped with a jetpack necks snap
Mon calamari, beat slamming, you be lost like luke on his tauntaun
Splat your eyeball, while the son s side brought light
See the future of oculus, so get from the back to the front, you scruffy looking nerf herders
he should have probably took a tomtom
Through the stormtroopers, i ve got a bad feeling about this
Cos i go over your head like a hover jet, bigger than lucas and disney s
You re a rookie, you re comic
I got it in the pocket, so get from the back to the front Battlefront, look at my blaster rifle pew
This is star wars, souped up chunk of metal
Set traps so you better get back, a long time ago in a galaxy far away
But i ve not got any offers yet, like a car door
Old school like yoda, this is star wars
You re not that bad but you lack heart, i rip your arm out the socket like a wookie Battlefront, revving and ready for the kessel run
Anakin skywalker, i m a dark horse Bull, tell them admiral ackbar
cold as ice like my hardboiled prose
I m a new rapper, make your speeder bike and a tree colide Bull, you re not that bad but you lack heart
I could have ate tea at the age of eighty, this is star wars, i could have ate tea at the age of eighty
I got it in the pocket, pick a faction and fuck shit up