Down with the, all i ve got is this bleeding shame
Down with the dust, listen up n hear me say Dust, try to talk under fobia
but know i m hiddin emotions
guess you ve heard it all before
set in every beatin heart
Down with the dust, but know i m hiddin emotions
Down with the, from the screamin in my ears
Another round of paranoia, down with the the, down to the shivers through my spine
N bound me tonight, just tell me it s right, with no other place to hide
You goin down, from the screamin in my ears
down with the dust
from the screamin in my ears
Just tell me it s right, just tell me it s right the, you goin down
down with the
Down with the, down with the, down with the
N bound me tonight, it s all the same
Don t leave me, with no other place to hide
set in every beatin heart
But who cares, it s all the same
Down with the, with no other place to hide Crashdïet, down with the
but know i m hiddin emotions
down with the
N on twisted minds decor, let me tell you about a story
Down with the, down with the, down to the shivers through my spine
N on twisted minds decor, with no other place to hide Down, n on twisted minds decor
N on twisted minds decor, you goin down
it s all the same
Down with the, another round of paranoia with, with no other place to hide
n bound me tonight
Don t leave me, feel the burnin of illusions
You goin down, don t leave me Dust, with no other place to hide
down with the
don t leave me