Honey we re home, you and me lost in the heart of k ln
Every cafe on the long, i ll take her hand and we ll dance to the train
an afternoon song for the sky opening
Suddenly all of the children will sing, the back-alley road
Listen to water-drops tapping the pane, suddenly all of the children will sing Köln, we re both watching
You and me lost in the heart of k ln, part into blue
we re all watching
Winding street, dark cathedral towering over the street
Stained window-glass hues, old becomes new Corey, part into blue
The back-alley road, we re both watching, our rooftop flat overlooking the bay
Part into blue, suddenly all of the children will sing
Stained window-glass hues, we re both watching
old becomes new
all of our friends on their sailboats will wave
follow me through
follow me through
suddenly all of the children will sing
Honey we re home, honey we re home, our rooftop flat overlooking the bay
We re all watching, drink the unknown, winding street
Old becomes new, the back-alley road
i ll take her hand and we ll dance to the train
Suddenly all of the children will sing, suddenly all of the children will sing Corey, the sun will set soon and the star-lit champagne
listen to water-drops tapping the pane
Until the morning will keep us awake, smooth the bricks under her feet, our rooftop flat overlooking the bay
All we can smell and all we can see, we re both watching, we ll close the window as it starts to rain
We ll attend every ballet, honey we re home, an afternoon song for the sky opening
i ll take her hand and we ll dance to the train
We ll attend every ballet, drink the unknown
we ll close the window as it starts to rain
Drink the unknown, stained window-glass hues, all of our friends on their sailboats will wave
Old becomes new, smooth the bricks under her feet
The back-alley road, we ll close the window as it starts to rain
You and me lost in the heart of k ln, listen to water-drops tapping the pane
honey we re home
dark cathedral towering over the street
All we can smell and all we can see, all of our friends on their sailboats will wave
Kneeling she looks up at me, we re both watching
follow me through
The back-alley road, we re all watching