Keep it out the backyard, it s not an issue, feel my heart
It s not an issue, feel my heart
we gotta fear to remove
They re kinda blue, keep it out the backyard
And trust who, i got a fear like you, we gotta fear to remove
feel my heart
It s not an issue, and trust who You, it s not an issue
I got a fear like you, and trust who, i gotta feel like you
i gotta fear like you
I keep it in the background, i keep it in the background
keep it in the background
it s like you
I keep it in the background, i got a fear like you, keep it out the backyard
We gotta fear to remove, and trust who, and trust who
i keep it in the background
I keep it in the background, and trust who
they re kinda blue
i got a fear like you
and trust who
I gotta feel like you, feel my veins run through
Feel my heart, keep it out the backyard, keep it out the backyard
It s like you, i keep it in the background, they re kinda blue
I gotta feel like you, feel my heart Chet, it s like you
It s not an issue, and trust who
Keep it in the background, and trust who, i gotta fear like you
keep in in the background
it s like you
It s not an issue, and trust who, feel my heart
I gotta fear like you, i gotta fear like you Faker, it s like you
I keep it in the background, i keep it in the background
It s got a groove, i gotta fear like you
I got a fear like you, keep it out the backyard
i keep it in the background