no time and right to deny
No need to kiss your sour crown, hey y yea hey x2, just set you all on fire
No need to kiss your sour crown, no time and right to deny Chemia, hey y yea hey
Somebody kill that romance, won t take a part in your dance, no matter how we try
won t take a part in your dance
Hey y yea hey, hey y yea hey
No matter how we try, somebody lift me higher
Just set you all on fire, cause now all we re waiting for is just a revolution Grey, somebody lift me higher
Won t take a part in your dance, waiting for you to die
keep the faith and take your time yea
Cause now all we wanna do is to get a new solution, hey y yea hey, no time and right to deny
won t take a part in your dance
Just set you all on fire, won t take a part in your dance
Keep the faith and take your time yea, cause now all we re waiting for is just a revolution Chemia, keep the faith and take your time yea
Cause now all we wanna do is to get a new solution, hey y yea hey
hey y yea hey
Just set you all on fire, waiting for you to die
why do we have to fall down
Just set you all on fire, hey y yea hey, cause now all we wanna do is to get a new solution
Why do we have to fall down, its time for a new wave, somebody lift me higher
Its time for a new wave, won t take a part in your dance Grey, no matter how we try
why do we have to fall down
Just set you all on fire, hey y yea hey Grey, no need to kiss your sour crown
hey y yea hey
Won t take a part in your dance, waiting for you to die Grey, waiting for you to die
won t take a part in your dance
No time and right to deny, won t take a part in your dance
no time and right to deny
Hey y yea hey x2, waiting for you to die, won t take a part in your dance
Waiting for you to die, no need to kiss your sour crown
hey y yea hey x2
Hey y yea hey x2, cause now all we re waiting for is just a revolution
Why do we have to fall down, its time for a new wave Chemia, its time for a new wave
Somebody kill that romance, somebody kill that romance
waiting for you to die
its time for a new wave
just set you all on fire
hey y yea hey x2
somebody lift me higher
why do we have to fall down
Its time for a new wave, hey y yea hey Grey, hey y yea hey
Hey y yea hey, shades of gray you ve led the blind, cause now all we wanna do is to get a new solution
Keep the faith and take your time yea, somebody lift me higher
Why do we have to fall down, hey y yea hey, no time and right to deny
Waiting for you to die, its time for a new wave
Won t take a part in your dance, no matter how we try, keep the faith and take your time yea
Won t take a part in your dance, why do we have to fall down
Somebody kill that romance, no time and right to deny, no time and right to deny
it s the highest time for a constitution
Its time for a new wave, hey y yea hey x2
just set you all on fire
No need to kiss your sour crown, hey y yea hey Grey, somebody lift me higher
No time and right to deny, cause now all we re waiting for is just a revolution, no matter how we try
waiting for you to die