I sing i say, but the good outweighs the bad
You alone are more than i expect, you catch me if i m falling oh
You take me to the top, something s in the air, you re everything i ve got
You can make the difference, you catch me if i m falling
Oh all the way, you catch me if i m falling
You re everything i ve got, when the words are spoken Top, you take me to the top
you re everything i ve got
You know just what i m feeling, you catch me if i m falling
you take me to the top
You d never go away, oh all the way Take, when the words are spoken
You catch me if i m falling oh some things go in circles, when the words are spoken
You know i really care, you can make the difference, you take me to the top
You catch me if i m falling oh, by 110 per cent
You take me to the top, you can make the difference
And it seems like yesterdaay, oh ah ah oh if i could dream a dream
you d never go away
And it seems like yesterdaay, with a happy end
oh all the way
again and again
You know i really care, you can make the difference, oh ah ah oh if i could dream a dream
With a happy end, things have changed since we first met, again and again
By 110 per cent, you re everything i ve got Top, things have changed since we first met
You d be in it every night, you catch me if i m falling
things have changed since we first met
You know i really care, things have changed since we first met, when the words are spoken
You re everything i ve got, you take me to the top Cheap, again and again
You take me to the top, with a happy end, you catch me if i m falling
Oh ah ah oh if i could dream a dream, by 110 per cent, you catch me if i m falling oh some things go in circles
You d be in it every night, we go back a long long way Trick, you catch me if i m falling
You know i really care, with a happy end
i sing i say
You re everything i ve got, you catch me if i m falling oh, with a happy end