Become my water, become my water
Marry pain within, cry tonight my angel child, become my water
It s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you, be my heart and my flame Charon, you made me feel like i m losing this all for nothing
be my heart and my flame
become my water
taking a breath before i rest
become my water
Become my water, be my heart and my flame
Be my heart and my flame, taking a breath before i rest
read the lines i bleed when i leave my heart to you
Is it oh so lonely, is it all so dark, marry pain within
Do i feel your warmth if we lay down breathless, marry pain within
Is it all so dark, marry pain within
Cry tonight my angel child, is it all so dark
This is why i want you, is it all so dark, be my heart and my flame
marry pain within
It s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you, become my water
Is it all so dark, this is why i want you, be my heart and my flame
This is why i want you, cry tonight my angel child Tonight, this is why i want you
it s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you
Is it all so dark, it s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you, do i feel your warmth if we lay down breathless
become my water
Marry pain within, is it oh so lonely, become my water
Become my water, come tonight my saviour
Be my heart and my flame, is it all so dark, marry pain within
marry pain within
cry tonight my angel child
does it feel the same like
become my water
Marry pain within, read the lines i bleed when i leave my heart to you
Cry tonight my angel child, you made me feel like i m losing this all for nothing, it s the deepest touch
It s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you, become my water
Does it feel the same like, marry pain within
Be my heart and my flame, cry tonight my angel child, is it oh so lonely
Be my heart and my flame, become my water
Marry pain within, you made me feel like i m losing this all for nothing
Marry pain within, marry pain within
It s the deepest lust and i hold the same for you, it s the deepest touch
taking a breath before i rest
be my heart and my flame
marry pain within
Do i feel your warmth if we lay down breathless, marry pain within, it s the deepest touch
Be my heart and my flame, become my water, does it feel the same like