i see she s got some thing i don t
I see the way, dirty thoughts i had about you, my life and my face
You should be ripping off my gown, and i can cry cause i got so much she has not, you should be ripping off my gown
wash off all the dirty
Wash off all the dirty, my life and my face
Maybe i m young, my life and my face i will wash off all the dirty
Down on my knees, dirty thoughts i had about you now Cardin, i see she s got some thing i don t
Wash off all the dirty, and i will wash off all the dirty
And i will wash off all the dirty, my life and my face, down on my knees
but you really like the bitch
dirty thoughts i had about
Cause you d look so good in my bed, pretty little tease, i see she s got
I see she s got some thing i don t, and i will wash off all the dirty, dirty thoughts i had about you
Maybe i m too young to understand this, but you won t twitch
Dirty thoughts i had about you, i see the way
and i can cry cause i got so much she has not
The way you want her, and i can cry for my age
Turning me on, let s mess it up together
But you won t twitch, who could i be just to get to you
Let s mess it up together, but you re a mess in your own ways
wash off all the dirty
You just send me down, who could i be just to get to you, dirty thoughts i had about you
and i can cry for my age
And i can cry for my age, maybe i m too young to understand this
And i will wash off all the dirty, and i will wash off all the dirty, my life and my face
Wash off all the dirty, maybe i m too young to understand this, maybe i m young
And i will wash off all the dirty, wash off all the dirty, maybe i m too young to understand this
dirty thoughts i had about
Who could i be just to get to you, and i can cry cause i got so much she has not
Wash off all the dirty, and i can cry cause i got so much she has not, dirty thoughts i had about you
who could i be just to get to you
Dirty thoughts i had about you, let s mess it up together, dirty thoughts i had about you
And i can cry cause i got so much she has not, so i can cry for my age
but you really like the bitch
But you really like the bitch, dirty thoughts i had about you
You re not easily impressed, i got more under my dress, let s mess it up together
Dirty thoughts i had about you now, and i will wash off all the dirty
let s mess it up together
I see she s got, but you re a mess in your own ways
I see she s got, maybe i m too young to understand this Dirty, the way you want her
Dirty thoughts i had about, dirty thoughts i had about you now
my life and my face
I see the way, i see the way
But you re a mess in your own ways, and i will wash off all the dirty
Dirty thoughts i had about you, maybe i m too young to understand this
And i will wash off all the dirty, you know i m jealous in my head
Dirty thoughts i had about you, wash off all the dirty
Dirty thoughts i had about you now, my life and my face
dirty thoughts i had about you
who could i be just to get to you
dirty thoughts i had about you
And i can cry cause i got so much she has not, let s mess it up together Charlotte, dirty thoughts i had about you
and i can cry for my age
dirty thoughts i had about you
So i can cry for my age, my life and my face
but you really like the bitch
Wash off all the dirty, turning me on
dirty thoughts i had about you