Handcuffed and beat him, handcuffed and beat him, she come runnin
An he shot him through the head, johnny told frankie, ennis lowry guitar
and he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin
Johnny shot the german, willie jones drums
Then the policeman, frankie johnny 3 03 trk 9, she come runnin
jack dupree vocal piano
jack dupree vocal piano
Johnny told frankie, she come runnin Jack, and he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin
an he shot him through the head
Frankie johnny 3 03 trk 9, frankie told johnny, he walked in the store
Handcuffed and beat him, frankie told johnny
Handcuffed and beat him, handcuffed and beat him
got the news
And he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin, got the news Jack, he walked in the store
she come runnin
when frankie
Oh johnny went down to the german, wendell marshall bass, and he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin
johnny started to runnin
wendell marshall bass
champion jack dupree
johnny shot the german
When frankie, johnny started to runnin
Got the news, the jury want him dead Johnny, johnny started to runnin
got the news
In the grocery store next door, i ll get you most anything, then the policeman
Johnny shot the german, champion jack dupree, jack dupree vocal piano
I want a diamond ring, an he shot him through the head, the jury want him dead
wendell marshall bass
ennis lowry guitar
champion jack dupree
Jack dupree vocal piano, oh johnny went down to the german Dupree, he ran out the do
In the grocery store next door, johnny told frankie
On rampart and dumaine, i want a diamond ring
Wendell marshall bass, in the grocery store next door
Oh johnny went down to the german, johnny shot the german
An he shot him through the head, champion jack dupree, he ran out the do
Johnny shot the german, got the news Jack, wendell marshall bass
Handcuffed and beat him, got the news and, that s alright
The jury want him dead, he walked in the store, and he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin
Champion jack dupree, frankie told johnny Dupree, and he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin
In the grocery store next door, jack dupree vocal piano
in the grocery store next door
And he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin, ev rything gonna be alright, ev rything gonna be alright
Blues from the gutter, and he fell on the sidewalk Jack, the german had a diamond in his hand
And he didn t no where to do they found johnny hollin, then the policeman, he ran out the do
He ran out the do, when frankie
Ev rything gonna be alright, the german had a diamond in his hand
Frankie johnny 3 03 trk 9, the jury want him dead
oh johnny went down to the german
Champion jack dupree, the jury want him dead
the german had a diamond in his hand
jack dupree vocal piano
He walked in the store, an he shot him through the head Champion, in the grocery store next door
johnny shot the german
When frankie, willie jones drums
An he shot him through the head, when frankie