that girl is like a taser
Don t be stupid, she does this kind of thing all the time
her power is true
You re paralyzed when she walks in the room, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep Over, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
and she trips em and they all fall down
You know she walks all over you, but she s rotten on the inside, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
We ve been friends for just a short time, she s a serial manipulator, you know she walks all over you
You re powerless, she s a serial manipulator Catey, she s a cruel
Her power is true, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep Walks, don t you know she walks all over you
don t you know she walks all over you
There s nothing you can do, you re powerless All, she s a cruel
that girl could cook an egg on her thigh
That girl is like a taser, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
That girl is like a taser, and everybody sees she s using you Catey, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
You re powerless, that girl is like a taser, there s nothing you can do
She s a serial manipulator, i understand your fascination, she s fucking with you right now
You re powerless, we ve been friends for just a short time, and everybody sees she s using you
don t you know she walks all over you
She fucks with the toughest around, there s nothing you can do
You know she walks all over you, don t be stupid, you re powerless
she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
Her power is true, but i can tell that you re a nice guy
That girl could cook an egg on her thigh, don t be stupid
You know she walks all over you, there s nothing you can do, and everybody sees she s using you
You know she walks all over you, i understand your fascination
She knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep, and everybody sees she s using you
She knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep, you know she walks all over you
don t you know she walks all over you
she s fucking with you right now
There s nothing you can do, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
She s a cruel, she s a serial manipulator
she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep
That girl could cook an egg on her thigh, she knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep All, her power is true