So high that we could kiss the sky, we could fly
So high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky the, so high that we could kiss the sky
Just enough to make us feel alright, just enough to make us feel alright Sky, just enough to keep us up all night
So high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky, we re all fighting for it
we could fly
we re all fighting for it
so high that we could kiss the sky
So high that we could kiss the sky, we could fly Cash, we could fly
So high that we could kiss the sky, we could fly
Just enough to keep us up all night, we re all fighting for it, we could fly
We could fly, we re all looking for it
we could fly
so high that we could kiss the sky
we could fly
we re all looking for it
We could fly, we could fly Sky, we re all looking for it
We could fly, just enough to keep us up all night, we could fly
We re all looking for it, we re all looking for it Sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
We re all fighting for it, we could fly
so high that we could kiss the sky
We could fly, we could fly the, we could fly
So high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
We re all looking for it, we could fly
we re all fighting for it
we re all looking for it
just enough to keep us up all night
We could fly, we could fly, so high that we could kiss the sky
Just enough to make us feel alright, we re all fighting for it Sky, we could fly
so high that we could kiss the sky
So high that we could kiss the sky, we re all fighting for it
Just enough to keep us up all night, so high that we could kiss the sky Sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
We could fly, so high that we could kiss the sky
So high that we could kiss the sky, we could fly, we could fly
We re all looking for it, so high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
We re all looking for it, we could fly Cash, so high that we could kiss the sky
We could fly, we could fly
So high that we could kiss the sky, just enough to keep us up all night
So high that we could kiss the sky, we re all fighting for it Cash, so high that we could kiss the sky
So high that we could kiss the sky, just enough to make us feel alright
we re all looking for it
We could fly, so high that we could kiss the sky
So high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
we re all looking for it
so high that we could kiss the sky
Just enough to make us feel alright, we could fly
we could fly
we could fly
So high that we could kiss the sky, so high that we could kiss the sky
We re all looking for it, we could fly
We re all fighting for it, we could fly, we could fly
We could fly, just enough to make us feel alright, we could fly