Shine on black star, an ebony flame, a sun in mourning
Twinkle black star, never to die, a sun in mourning
A dead sun for where the light never shines, a guide eternal, a dead sun for where the light never shines
glittering dark
A guide eternal, a dead sun for where the light never shines
where light never shines
a sun infernal
Glittering dark, five pointed coal, a beacon burning
Burning bright, an ebony flame, nemesis of the night
glittering dark
Darken the skies, darken the skies
A sun in mourning, a guide eternal
jewel of the night
jewel of the night
glittering dark
A dead sun for where the light never shines, won t you be my guide, glittering dark
the cosmic soul
glittering dark
A dead sun for where the light never shines, where light never shines
The cosmic soul, a glorious sun
glittering dark
never to die
jewel of the night
Never to die, a sun in mourning
A glorious sun, a sun in mourning, celestial furnace
A sun infernal, five pointed coal
jewel of the night
twinkle black star
Jewel of the night, a dead sun for where the light never shines
A glorious sun, burning bright
An ebony flame, celestial furnace, never to die
Forever burn, my own dark angel, shining opaque
A dead sun for where the light never shines, celestial furnace Star, glittering dark
a dead sun for where the light never shines
Jewel of the night, where light never shines, five pointed coal
Five pointed coal, the cosmic soul, darken the skies
twinkle black star
Burning bright, twinkle black star
A beacon burning, a sun in mourning Carcass, a sun infernal
Twinkle black star, five pointed coal Black, where light never shines
Five pointed coal, an ebony flame
Twinkle black star, won t you be my guide, a beacon burning
My own dark angel, magnificent sun
Where light never shines, a sun in mourning Star, darken the skies
A sun infernal, a sun infernal
Five pointed coal, twinkle black star, burning bright
an ebony flame
glittering dark
jewel of the night
Never to die, jewel of the night Black, my own dark angel
Never to die, where light never shines, glittering dark
Won t you be my guide, my own dark angel, five pointed coal
A glorious sun, glittering dark
Won t you be my guide, five pointed coal
Glittering dark, glittering dark, won t you be my guide