we close our eyes until our dreams become one and the same
The lake of silver bells, looking past the love you face
Melts us in a lullaby our eyelids are like movie screens, we dance across til we drop
Leading is lonely when you re dancing through derisions, you re much too fast asleep
we ve reached the secret place to rest and reconcile
The bells keep time and never stop, we dance across til we drop Carbon, we dance across til we drop
On the lake of silver bells, melts us in a lullaby our eyelids are like movie screens
So much left for giving in, we sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake Bells, on the lake of silver bells
The lake of silver bells, we dance across til we drop Silver, but something on the other end
The bells keep time and never stop, the bells keep time and never stop Carbon, and leading is lonely when you make alone decisions
And we dance across til we drop, the lake of silver bells
Looking past the love you face, and we dance across til we drop
The lake of silver bells, on the lake of silver bells, the only change is no change for a while
The year of living dangerously happy, the only change is no change for a while Lake, we sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake
We sleep and we wake on the lake of silver bells, we sleep and we wake on the lake of silver bells
We dance across til we drop, down from the old hotel on the lake of silver bells
but something on the other end
Down from the old hotel on the lake of silver bells, you re much too fast asleep Silver, we ride the pinetop swells
The bells keep time and never stop, down from the old hotel on the lake of silver bells
and we dance across til we drop
you re much too fast asleep
looking past the love you face
The bells keep time and never stop, life flickers by a hundred suns behind the trees, we close our eyes
We ve reached the secret place to rest and reconcile, and we close our eyes and feel the warmth come into frame, looking past the love you face
And we dance across til we drop, on the lake of silver bells
you miss the place you never had
And we dance across til we drop, the lake of silver bells
We close our eyes until our dreams become one and the same, we ride the pinetop swells
And we dance across til we drop, we sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake, the year of living dangerously happy
And fill each room with sons and daughters and never be alone, life flickers by a hundred suns behind the trees Leaf, you re much too fast asleep
We re by the old hotel and we will make this place our own, we dance across til we drop
so much left for giving in
we close our eyes until our dreams become one and the same
The lake of silver bells, but something on the other end
leading is lonely when you re dancing through derisions
down from the old hotel on the lake of silver bells
leading is lonely
life flickers by a hundred suns behind the trees
and we close our eyes and feel the warmth come into frame
We sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake, and leading is lonely when you make alone decisions, float from the balcony
On the lake of silver bells, so much left for giving in
And we dance across til we drop, on the lake of silver bells, so much left for giving in
life flickers by a hundred suns behind the trees
leading is lonely when you re dancing through derisions
the bells keep time and never stop
We sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake, we re by the old hotel and we will make this place our own
Leading is lonely when you re dancing through derisions, life flickers by a hundred suns behind the trees Leaf, you miss the place you never had
We sleep and we wake on the lake of silver bells, we re by the old hotel and we will make this place our own
We dance across til we drop, but something on the other end, melts us in a lullaby our eyelids are like movie screens
we sleep and we wake on the lake of silver bells
So much left for giving in, we close our eyes Leaf, we ride the pinetop swells
we dance across til we drop
We dance across til we drop, we ride the pinetop swells
we dance across til we drop
melts us in a lullaby our eyelids are like movie screens
We dance across til we drop, so much left for giving in Silver, we dance across til we drop
Leading is lonely, we dance across til we drop, we close our eyes until our dreams become one and the same
And fill each room with sons and daughters and never be alone, we dance across til we drop, we sleep and we wake to muffled chimes out on the lake