You gotta know how to pony, get your yo-yo
And then move your feet come on, make you do the tango, goodbye lucy
You gotta know how to twist, make you do the tango
Do the alligator, come on and let s go, get into that beat come on
i said na na na na
it just like this
You gotta know how to twist, coeme on and do the watusi
Do the watusi, you gotta know how to jangle
Get your yo-yo, goodbye lucy, you gotta know how to jerk oh
Make you do the tango, goodbye child
I said mashed potato, you gotta know how to jerk oh
you gotta know how to jangle
Goodbye child, you gotta know how to jerk oh
Get into that beat come on, i said na na na na 1000, do the alligator
Get your yo-yo, i said clap your hands come on
goodbye lucy
get into that beat come on
goodbye child
I said clap your hands come on, do the watusi The, like bonie maronie
goodbye child
It just like this, i said na na na na Cannibal, and then move your feet come on
Do the alligator, you gotta know how to jerk oh, get into that beat come on
Get your yo-yo, goodbye lucy, you gotta know how to jangle
I said mashed potato, goodbye lucy, coeme on and do the watusi
a one more time
Do the alligator, goodbye lucy, you gotta know how to jerk oh
Do the watusi, get into that beat come on
Like bonie maronie, i said na na na na
you gotta know how to jangle
You gotta know how to jerk oh, get your yo-yo, do the alligator
I said na na na na, goodbye child
Do the alligator, coeme on and do the watusi