Were those words spoken just in vain, it s understood we won t cling to each other
Will you say to me all the things i love to hear, emotions running wild
When you wake up tomorrow will i look the same, will you remember the things you said tonight
Or will it seem like a misty scene, will you say to me all the things i love to hear
Or will i be just another girl, in your revolving world, or will i be just another girl
Or will it seem like a misty scene, will you remember the things you said tonight
Or will it seem like a misty scene, let s use the time it takes to find us
Sharing laughter like a child, in your revolving world Wake, when you wake up tomorrow
When you wake up tomorrow will i look the same, in your revolving world Candi, i won t forget that love found us
let s hold each other tight
can we relive those moments without pain
when you wake up tomorrow
in your revolving world
Will you answer to my call, let s hold each other tight
Were those words spoken just in vain, will you say to me all the things i love to hear, as when you had the look of love in your eyes
I won t forget that love found us, cherish what we have tonight
When you wake up tomorrow, will you say to me all the things i love to hear, when you wake up tomorrow
or will it seem like a misty scene
will you answer to my call
let s keep the fire burning
For more love after all is said and done, when you wake up tomorrow will i look the same
As when you had the look of love in your eyes, will you say to me all the things i love to hear
when you wake up tomorrow
when you wake up tomorrow
Let s keep the fire burning, let s hold each other tight
For more love after all is said and done, when you wake up tomorrow will i look the same, will you remember the things you said tonight
as when you had the look of love in your eyes
I know when you re gone the memory lingers on, when you wake up tomorrow, can we relive those moments without pain
when you wake up tomorrow will i look the same
Were those words spoken just in vain, when you wake up tomorrow, sharing laughter like a child
Will you answer to my call, can we relive those moments without pain
Let s use the time it takes to find us, will you remember the things you said tonight Tomorrow, in your revolving world
love fading in a dream
Or will it seem like a misty scene, emotions running wild Candi, will you forget the things you said tonight
And maybe someday love might find us, when you wake up tomorrow
Sharing laughter like a child, let s keep the fire burning, when you wake up tomorrow will i look the same
When you wake up tomorrow, cherish what we have tonight
Will you say to me all the things i love to hear, or will it seem like a misty scene
Were those words spoken just in vain, let s use the time it takes to find us, it s understood we won t cling to each other