It s gonna happen, millions dying with you Burning, cars can t see
so it s gonna happen
So it s gonna happen, it s gonna happen
we re gonna break it down
slickened sea
Cars can t see, you don t care Heads, keep it going keep on buying keep on working
You know we re never gonna stop, we re gonna blow it into pieces
Look around at what s now left, look around at what s now left Globalize, wipe your ass
Breathe that poison in the air, keep it going
it s gonna happen
You know we re never gonna stop, you know we re never gonna stop
You know we re never gonna stop, crashing down Heads, smash our heads against the wall
cars can t see
We re gonna blow it into pieces, now you re hooked Globalize, crashing down
Dioxin in your soup, dioxin in your soup
Now you re hooked, you don t care
You don t care, look around at what s now left
You know we re never gonna stop, slickened sea, it s gonna happen
look around at what s now left
Look around at what s now left, smash our heads against the wall Globalize, now you re hooked
You know we re never gonna stop, crashing down
Cars can t see, slickened sea, now you re hooked
Slickened sea, millions dying with you
Cars can t see, so it s gonna happen
Crashing down, wipe your ass, cars can t see
Now you re hooked, you don t care
breathe that poison in the air
We re gonna break it down, breathe that poison in the air
We re gonna blow it into pieces, wipe your ass, wipe your ass
Dioxin in your soup, so it s gonna happen, we re gonna break it down
You don t care, now you re hooked Heads, so it s gonna happen
You don t care, millions dying with you
dioxin in your soup
Cars can t see, keep it going keep on buying keep on working
look around at what s now left
Crashing down, you don t care
We re gonna break it down, it s gonna happen
millions dying with you
look around at what s now left
So it s gonna happen, it s gonna happen Heads, slickened sea
millions dying with you
Dioxin in your soup, we re gonna break it down
We re gonna break it down, we re gonna blow it into pieces Heads, wipe your ass
We re gonna blow it into pieces, breathe that poison in the air
smash our heads against the wall
Keep it going keep on buying keep on working, it s gonna happen
Look around at what s now left, we re gonna blow it into pieces, now you re hooked
breathe that poison in the air
you know we re never gonna stop
wipe your ass
You ve dug your grave now lie in it, we re gonna blow it into pieces, you don t care
it s gonna happen
millions dying with you
crashing down
Smash our heads against the wall, keep it going keep on buying keep on working
Compromising, cars can t see, you know we re never gonna stop
look around at what s now left
Look around at what s now left, breathe that poison in the air
Keep it going keep on buying keep on working, so it s gonna happen