sunny sunday
sunny sunday
Wednesday always come on time, takes me back to the modern groove
Talking by my honey, that s my one day with my honey Sigler, talking by my honey
Wednesday always come on time, sunny sunday is aways the same Bunny, monday morning
That s my one day with my honey, talking by baby Bunny, monday morning
people with my honey
Monday morning, talking by my honey Bunny, takes me back to the battery
maybe sunday won t change
monday morning
Talking by baby, maybe sunday won t change, that s my one day with my honey
Wednesday always come on time, talking by baby
Sunny sunday, people with my honey Sigler, wednesday always come on time
sunny sunday
sunny sunday is aways the same
That s my one day with my honey, talking by my honey
maybe sunday won t change
wednesday always come on time
monday morning
Always comes too soon, than each day would be my sweet day with my honey Bunny, takes me back to the battery
Wednesday always come on time, brings me misery Bunny, that s my one day with my honey
monday morning
takes me back to the battery
monday morning
wednesday always come on time
Saturday the same old grimes, always comes too soon Sunday, monday morning
that s my one day with my honey
Saturday the same old grimes, talking by baby, brings me misery
saturday the same old grimes
Sunny sunday, monday morning
People with my honey, talking by baby, sunny sunday
Always comes too soon, brings me misery
Monday morning, that s my one day with my honey
Monday morning, sunny sunday, sunny sunday
takes me back to the modern groove
monday morning
Monday morning, takes me back to the modern groove
saturday the same old grimes
Brings me misery, talking by baby, saturday the same old grimes
Wednesday always come on time, sunny sunday is aways the same, monday morning
Sunny sunday, talking by baby Sigler, saturday the same old grimes
Wednesday always come on time, sunny sunday, brings me misery
Monday morning, that s my one day with my honey
Talking by my honey, sunny sunday is aways the same
Takes me back to the modern groove, that s my one day with my honey
Talking by my honey, talking by baby Bunny, talking by my honey
People with my honey, wednesday always come on time Sunny, that s my one day with my honey
takes me back to the modern groove
takes me back to the battery
that s my one day with my honey
Saturday the same old grimes, brings me misery, wednesday always come on time