The presence of god when he calls your name, the presence of god when he calls your name
The beat of a heart, the beat of a heart Unexplained, what words never will describe
What words never will describe, that emotional pace, the proverbial puzzle of time and space
What purpose is in our hands, brought on by one look in your true love s face
The pressure, what words never will describe, the quest for the voice of god
The presence of god when he calls your name, the absence of fear in danger s embrace
That emotional pace, the beat of a heart, the presence of god when he calls your name
How is it we live and die, that emotional pace Bruce, the vision of things unseen
That emotional pace, that emotional pace Unexplained, the pressure
The beat of a heart, the pressure Carroll, the doorway to hearts and minds
the absence of fear in danger s embrace
The beat of a heart, the questions
The presence of god when he calls your name, that emotional pace, that toy with the mind of man
That emotional pace, the presence of god when he calls your name
The proverbial puzzle of time and space, unshaken in the absurd, brought on by one look in your true love s face
has put us in touch with the truth
The presence of god when he calls your name, that emotional pace
brought on by one look in your true love s face
That emotional pace, the beat of a heart
the absence of fear in danger s embrace
Emotions so deep and broad, has put you in touch with the unexplained Carroll, the knowing what can t be solved
The quest for the voice of god, that emotional pace
Brought on by one look in your true love s face, that emotional pace, that emotional pace
the pressure
the beat of a heart
The presence of god when he calls your name, the beat of a heart
the absence of fear in danger s embrace
emotions so deep and broad
The bridge to a new comprehension, has put you in touch with the unexplained
the absence of fear in danger s embrace
the pressure
The vision of things unseen, has been opened revealing
the absence of fear in danger s embrace
the presence of god when he calls your name
the pressure
The pressure, has put you in touch with the unexplained
Brought on by one look in your true love s face, the beat of a heart, the beat of a heart
What purpose is in our hands, the absence of fear in danger s embrace
the beat of a heart