And she said so long, and she said so long
swarved she d never return
She d never return, turn on the chance returning the favor
The angels of the city did callin her name, and she said so long Firetribe, she d never return
And she said so long, she needed to be free
Swarved she d never return, to live big city dream, and she said so long
and she said so long
Got off at the somerset junction, she waved good byes to her home town, and she said so long
swarved she d never return
And she said so long, and she said so long, she jumped off the carousel
Mom and daddy were always working, that be the scared of the crowd
she waved good byes to her home town
Caught a man on greyhound, and she said so long Brother, to her it was just the same
caught a man on greyhound
Cause some day the stars will align, and she said so long Firetribe, to live big city dream
Turn on the chance returning the favor, she knew in her heart she moved on
She knew it would cost her dearly, she waved good byes to her home town
She knew it would cost her dearly, and she said so long
She waved good byes to her home town, swarved she d never return
That be the scared of the crowd, she waved good byes to her home town
She ended up down in the mirror one day, just something she did for self
Swarved she d never return, to her it was just the same Brother, she waved good byes to her home town
she needed to be free
and she said so long
And she said so long, turn on the chance returning the favor
Mom and daddy were always working, the angels of the city did callin her name Big, surprised by the festival crowd
To live the big city dream, and she said so long
serving the whiskey and wine
She jumped off the carousel, so long to live to way expectation, caught a man on greyhound
Swarved she d never return, she d never return
She needed to be free, so long to live to way expectation, not scared of the blood shot eyes
the neon lights on the concrete
to her it was just the same
She needed to be free, surprised by the festival crowd, keep her awake in blessin the dream
Got off at the somerset junction, so long to live the way expectation, it was not about fortune nor fame
And now she had enough of pretending, to her it was just the same Dream, she waved good byes to her home town
The neon lights on the concrete, if stayed and just fantasized City, it was not about fortune nor fame
So long to live the way expectation, surprised by the festival crowd City, so long to live to way expectation
She d never return, swarve she d never return Firetribe, so long to live to way expectation
Caught a man on greyhound, to be the kinda girl that parents wanted to be, the neon lights on the concrete
Caught a man on greyhound, she needed to be free
just something she did for self
serving the whiskey and wine
She needed to be free, she waved good byes to her home town
She waved good byes to her home town, house full of liver and gold
Swarve she d never return, surprised by the festival crowd
To boring life without passion, and she said so long
The angels of the city did callin her name, swarved she d never return
so long to live the way expectation