i spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics
Til i found you, i spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics
Til i found you, never been found You, i spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics
Well look at me now im a has been im a never was, but you still give me hope that i could be You, better as long as were together
im in disbelief
I spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics, of all the weight that you can carry, better as long as were together
I spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics, you make it look so easy Broadway, never been found
and im so-so sorry
but you still give me hope that i could be
til i found you
til i found you
Im in disbelief, yeah i never been found Found, well look at me now im a has been im a never was
im in disbelief
of all the weight that you can carry
but you still give me hope that i could be
Im so glad i have you by my side, til i found you
til i found you
Well look at me now im a has been im a never was, never been found, you make it look so easy
you make it look so easy
Til i found you, well look at me now im a has been im a never was
Well look at me now im a has been im a never was, im a half shell of a man that i pushed outward
To give for granted thinking i was a such a god damn first, of all the weight that you can carry Found, til i found you
Never been found, never been found Found, cause i never been found
You make it look so easy, yeah i never been found
Never been found, cause i never been found
til i found you
Til i found you, you make it look so easy
im such a god damn dissapointment
I know i never gave you all that you deserve, and no so scary You, of all the weight that you can carry
cause i never been found
i know i never gave you all that you deserve
of all the weight that you can carry
Yeah i never been found, you make it look so easy
Yeah i never been found, im in disbelief, im in disbelief
well look at me now im a has been im a never was
til i found you
Im a half shell of a man that i pushed outward, and im so-so sorry You, til i found you
And no so scary, and im so-so sorry
Cause i never been found, im in disbelief Broadway, to give for granted thinking i was a such a god damn first
I spent my whole life thinking someone please continue these lyrics, im such a god damn dissapointment You, you held me up ever since before i was ever heard
you held me up ever since before i was ever heard