Keep on trying, sechs freunde
just keep on trying
sechs freunde
keep on trying
If you must act like a beast of the field, keep on trying
Sechs freunde, keep on trying will you
Keep on trying, brethren are in bed again
Keep on trying, sechs freunde
Keep on trying will you, sechs freunde
Just keep on trying, sechs freunde Keep, keep on trying will you
Sechs freunde, sechs freunde
keep on trying will you
What does it yield, keep on trying will you
can t we stay
Just keep on trying, keep on trying, sechs freunde
Sechs freunde, sechs freunde
Keep on trying, just keep on trying
sechs freunde
And tomorrow is a place that you, keep on trying will you
Sechs freunde, keep on trying will you
Keep on trying, they are on hold again
Sechs freunde, keep on trying, keep on trying
sechs freunde
every time you speak
Keep on trying, keep on trying, brethren are in bed again
They are on hold again, so keep on trying British, just keep on trying
Keep on trying will you, so keep on trying, sechs freunde
Keep on trying, your prayers
Keep on trying, fall like little thrills, keep on trying
Sechs freunde, just keep on trying
sechs freunde
keep on trying will you
just keep on trying
keep on trying will you
Sechs freunde, sechs freunde, keep on trying
Just keep on trying, sechs freunde
Keep on trying, just keep on trying, your life lessons
Sechs freunde, keep on trying rudy
So keep on trying, if you must act like a beast of the field
Keep on trying, keep on trying will you
your life lessons
So keep on trying, keep on trying rudy
sechs freunde
just keep on trying
So keep on trying, just keep on trying Power, brethren are in bed again
sechs freunde
keep on trying
Keep on trying, keep on trying, keep on trying will you
Keep on trying will you, sechs freunde British, just keep on trying
Keep on trying, keep on trying (Sechs, keep on trying will you
just keep on trying
Keep on trying, sechs freunde, keep on trying will you
keep on trying