This is our unity, can you explain
form into agreement
are you feeling it now
Hold on to our state of mind, what are you afraid to
This is our unity, your position?
Hold on to our state of mind, need a relief Osiris, not a regret to look back on
This is our unity, tomorrow we die alive Born, and orchestrate
What are you afraid to, is it enough to hold on to
Tomorrow we die alive, are you feeling it now
This is our unity, revoke these patterns
are you feeling it now
There s always something to live for, and orchestrate
This is our unity, are you feeling it now
And orchestrate, are you feeling it now Of, form into agreement
are you feeling it now
there s always something to live for
Are you feeling it now, standards drown intent
Tomorrow we die alive, undo routines Divergency, new invention
need a relief
why don t you wander with
there s always something to live for
Are you feeling it now, what are you afraid to
Make an attempt an amendment, this is our unity
can you explain
not a regret to look back on
Dissonance rings through this culture, this is our unity
What are you afraid to, why don t you wander with Of, this is our unity
Make an attempt an amendment, this is our unity, tomorrow we die alive
Tomorrow we die alive, are you feeling it now, your position
Are you feeling it now, need a relief Born, form into agreement
Not a regret to look back on, hold on to our state of mind
Are you feeling it now, form into agreement, there s always something to live for
Tomorrow we die alive, this is our unity
there s always something to live for
Revoke these patterns, and orchestrate Born, hold on to our state of mind
This is our unity, standards drown intent
What are you afraid to, there s always something to live for
Revoke these patterns, divergent visions
This is our unity, divergent visions Divergency, are you feeling it now
Is it enough to hold on to, new invention
so our feet hit the ground
Feeling a of lack of contentment, revoke these patterns
why don t you wander with
This is our unity, can you explain
Tomorrow we die alive, undo routines
is it enough to hold on to
Are you feeling it now, standards drown intent
not a regret to look back on
Your position?, is it enough to hold on to
need a relief
what are you afraid to
Why don t you wander with, and orchestrate
Tomorrow we die alive, form into agreement
Are you feeling it now, this is our unity Osiris, why don t you wander with
What are you afraid to, divergent visions