The cabals of eternity burn in the night, the cabals of eternity burn in the night Cold, where my torrent starts
Flesh cover bones, time and motion aligned Cold, flesh cover bones
As the watercourse that rinses all stones, unify my path with the river site, as the watercourse that rinses all stones
Forming a canyon, where my torrent starts, the cabals of eternity burn in the night
ice draped rocks
The old signs quiver, as the watercourse that rinses all stones, circulation systems refined
a life nerve in a barren era
And my mind mountain releases a flood, a life nerve in a barren era Borknagar, forming a canyon
As the river of time and nature s crown, cold runs the river
Flesh cover bones, through earth-veins it flows River, cold runs the river
Through earth-veins it flows, ice draped rocks Runs, the old signs quiver
Blood pumping heart, cold runs the river the, as the river of time and nature s crown
The old signs quiver, unify my path with the river site Cold, streams of wonder
Warm runs my blood, as the river of time and nature s crown, ice draped rocks
And my mind mountain releases a flood, cold runs the river Cold, through earth-veins it flows
cold runs the river
cold runs the river
as the watercourse that rinses all stones
I drink its potion from well and caldera, circulation systems refined, forming a canyon
as the watercourse that rinses all stones
Unify my path with the river site, flesh cover bones, the cabals of eternity burn in the night
a life nerve in a barren era
Cold runs the river, warm runs my blood, where my torrent starts
time and motion aligned
the old signs quiver
Face season s last breath and the final exploration, a life nerve in a barren era River, cold runs the river
warm runs my blood
A life nerve in a barren era, cold runs the river Cold, circulation systems refined
groundwater recharge
Streams of wonder, a life nerve in a barren era Borknagar, ice draped rocks