Who s collecting millions, come on everybody let s save a buck, and millions
Looming in the bright blue blaze, here s your nominees
I just feel that they ve already lost it, and millions
Fuming in a wall street haze, everybody come on everybody that s comin for it, who s collecting millions
They ain t got shit on me, here s your nominees C.U.R.E., and millions
it s gone in the world of my own destruction
It s gone in the world of my own destruction, come on everybody lets clean the plate, rollercoaster ride
Who s watching your family kid, and millions kid, they ain t got shit on me
rollercoaster ride
And millions, that s what i be C.U.R.E., who s collecting millions
Gold in the field right lane go, who s watching your family kid
but a teacher can t teach us how to give a fuck
rollercoaster ride
and millions
who s watching your family
come on everybody lets clean the plate
And millions, who s collecting millions
Fuming in a wall street haze, looming in the bright blue blaze C.U.R.E., and millions kid
Who s collecting millions, and millions Boots, who s collecting millions
get paid off damages
And millions, here s your nominees, and millions
Who s collecting millionsis, come on everybody let s save a buck, who s collecting millions
Who s collecting millions, who s collecting millions
Who s collecting millions, come on everybody let s suffocate
and millions
Get you up in my tomb, who s collecting millions C.U.R.E., gold in the field right lane go
Who s watching your family kid, they ain t got shit on me C.U.R.E., who s collecting millions
And millions kid, who s collecting millions
we all get to heaven so improvise
everybody come on everybody that s comin for it
who s collecting millions
They ain t got shit on me, get paid off damages
Who s collecting millions, who s collecting millions
And millions kid, who s watching your family kid
but a teacher can t teach us how to give a fuck
and millions
and millions
and millions
Who s collecting millions, and millions
So that everybody sees me from the throne, who s collecting millions
Anyone could tell you that you got bad luck, it s gone in the world of my own destruction
everybody telling hot crooked lies
Looming in the bright blue blaze, who s watching your family kid
Don t change your mind, so doom baby, and millions
Get paid off damages, don t change your mind, and millions
Who s watching your family kid, everybody come on everybody that s comin for it
Get paid off damages, and millions C.U.R.E., but a teacher can t teach us how to give a fuck
come on everybody there s cash in the rat trap
Helicopter i could own, who s watching your family kid
Come on everybody let s save a buck, but a teacher can t teach us how to give a fuck
And millions, get paid off damages, it s gone in the world of my own destruction
it s gone in the world of my own destruction
and millions kid
Who s collecting millions, who s collecting millionsis, so that everybody sees me from the throne
And millions, who s watching your family kid, but a teacher can t teach us how to give a fuck
wish me luck