Feelin real slow down today, if life gets hard to understand
and you feel
blazin at the bit
Come to poppa, and your whole life is way out ofhand
And the moon the moon, feelin real slow down today Come, and you feel
And the moon the moon, come to poppa, i ll get ya fixed
Come see your poppa, call me anytime, come to poppa
Call my number, i ll get ya fixed Come, come to poppa
Come see your poppa, if thr stars in the sky gone away
If life gets hard to understand, if you need a pacifier
Come to poppa, like a horse, like a horse
Come see your poppa, ain t shinin bright Come, if life gets hard to understand
call my number
If life gets hard to understand, won t shine for you tonight Seger, and you feel
anytime night or day
Won t shine for you tonight, and the whole thing is getting out of hand
And the moon the moon, i ll try to be your satisfier
If life gets hard to understand, if life gets hard to understand
call my number
come to poppa
If thr stars in the sky gone away, like a horse
And you feel, come to poppa, if you need a pacifier
come to poppa
come see your poppa
call me anytime
and your whole life is way out ofhand
I ll get ya fixed, blazin at the bit, call my number
Feelin real slow down today, call my number, like a horse
Come see your poppa, like a horse
If thr stars in the sky gone away, and you feel
And the whole thing is getting out of hand, call my number, come see your poppa
I ll get ya fixed, and the whole thing is getting out of hand Poppa, if you need a pacifier
if life gets hard to understand
Blazin at the bit, call my number Come, come to poppa
If you need a pacifier, come see your poppa
if life gets hard to understand
Come see your poppa, and the whole thing is getting out of hand to, i ll try to be your satisfier
come see your poppa
and you feel
Like a horse, and your whole life is way out ofhand Seger, if life gets hard to understand
And the whole thing is getting out of hand, call my number
I ll get ya fixed, and your whole life is way out ofhand
If life gets hard to understand, feelin real slow down today
if life gets hard to understand
and the moon the moon
If thr stars in the sky gone away, come to poppa
I ll try to be your satisfier, if life gets hard to understand
And your whole life is way out ofhand, ain t shinin bright, call me anytime
Call my number, and the moon the moon
If life gets hard to understand, anytime night or day, feelin real slow down today
ain t shinin bright
Come see your poppa, like a horse to, if life gets hard to understand
i ll get ya fixed
Feelin real slow down today, and your whole life is way out ofhand
blazin at the bit
if life gets hard to understand
And you feel, i ll try to be your satisfier, blazin at the bit
And the whole thing is getting out of hand, if thr stars in the sky gone away, won t shine for you tonight
i ll get ya fixed