or do you have the final plan
Or do you have the final plan, are you laughing
praise the lord
Thank you for the terror, can you see the hate between us the, or do you just don t care
Praise the lord, praise the lord
Praise the lord, thank you for the pain
Praise the lord, when people are praying Praise, when they lose their child
praise the lord
thank you for all the violence in the world
Was this all a mistake, or do you have the final plan, did you ever listen to them
praise the lord
praise the lord
Or do you have the final plan, praise the lord
praise the lord
Praise the lord, are you too old to fight against the demons
Praise the lord, praise the lord, can you see the dying children
can you feel their pain
Or do you just don t care, when they lose their child
praise the lord
Can you see the hate between us, praise the lord
praise the lord
When a man kills another man, when they lose their child
Thank you for the pain, praise the lord
when they lose their child
Are you laughing, thank you for the terror Praise, praise the lord
thank you for all the violence in the world
Are you laughing, can you hear the mothers crying
Are you too old to fight against the demons, praise the lord Lord, can you hear the mothers crying
Can you feel their pain, do you think were already lost
Can you hear million mothers crying, was this all a mistake, can you hear million mothers crying
Did you ever listen to them, thank you for making us cry, thank you for all the violence in the world
Praise the lord, thank you for every child that dies
Can you see the dying children, when a man kills another man, praise the lord
praying in vain
are you laughing
thank you for every child that dies
are you too old to fight against the demons
Thank you for all the violence in the world, can you see the starving people
Praise the lord, praise the lord
Do you think were already lost, are you too old to fight against the demons
praise the lord
Praise the lord, praise the lord
Can you feel their pain, are you afraid of the revenge of lucifer Praise, can you see the hate between us
Thank you for making us cry, was this all a mistake Lord, praise the lord
thank you for the terror
Praise the lord, or do you have the final plan
Praise the lord, praise the lord, praise the lord
Or do you just don t care, praise the lord
Can you hear million mothers crying, when they lose their child, praise the lord
Praise the lord, did you ever listen to them