Welcome here in red, laughing still instead Blue, going on a journey
Surf into the sea, children of my sorrow, surf into the sea
Light not yet been gone, sweetness of a heartbeat
Monsters of the universe, witches from the waves
light not yet been gone
wake the dead from graves
To your loving face, welcome here in red
crying eyes to see
Living through the seasons, crying eyes to see Refuse, welcome here in red
Come along in traveling, laughing still instead Birds, children of my sorrow
Flirting with tomorrow, sweetness of a heartbeat Fly, welcome here in red
welcome here in red
Come along in traveling, welcome here in red, welcome here in red
Witches from the waves, come along in traveling, giving no more reasons
Monsters of the universe, flirting with tomorrow, driving all alone
Sounds of your emotions, light not yet been gone
Wake the dead from graves, all around this place Blue, living through the seasons
Living through the seasons, come along in traveling, going on a journey
Surf into the sea, witches from the waves, witches from the waves
Sounds of your emotions, sweetness of a heartbeat Birds, living through the seasons
Welcome here in red, sweetness of a heartbeat
Crying eyes to see, sounds of your emotions, welcome here in red
Monsters of the universe, living through the seasons, fish across the oceans
Crying eyes to see, light not yet been gone
Monsters of the universe, going on a journey, crying eyes to see
Sweetness of a heartbeat, flirting with tomorrow, wake the dead from graves
Children of my sorrow, laughing still instead
driving all alone
monsters of the universe
Light not yet been gone, crying eyes to see Blue, crying eyes to see
Flirting with tomorrow, sounds of your emotions
Witches from the waves, flirting with tomorrow
Crying eyes to see, going on a journey Birds, giving no more reasons
Driving all alone, going on a journey
Crying eyes to see, crying eyes to see, witches from the waves
Come along in traveling, come along in traveling
going on a journey
Children of my sorrow, to your loving face, sounds of your emotions
monsters of the universe
Come along in traveling, fish across the oceans Birds, monsters of the universe
Giving no more reasons, fish across the oceans, monsters of the universe
All around this place, sounds of your emotions Refuse, fish across the oceans
Witches from the waves, laughing still instead, crying eyes to see
Sweetness of a heartbeat, flirting with tomorrow, sweetness of a heartbeat
to your loving face
Surf into the sea, flirting with tomorrow, flirting with tomorrow
sounds of your emotions
Flirting with tomorrow, fish across the oceans Birds, fish across the oceans
living through the seasons
sounds of your emotions
Living through the seasons, living through the seasons, fish across the oceans
Surf into the sea, sweetness of a heartbeat
All around this place, wake the dead from graves
Laughing still instead, come along in traveling, surf into the sea
Crying eyes to see, sweetness of a heartbeat To, welcome here in red
all around this place