Take the day off work, cause we re twenty, what else is there in this world
i can understand
I can make you smile, rest a little Party, hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day
hero a heaviness so relentless
We leave and enter on our own, kick off your work shoes
The rain to stop, cause we re twenty Party, so take my hand and marry me
I ll lead you to the promised land, hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day
What is there left to see, a silence so satisfying
Now smash your keyboard into their faces, an emptiness so monumental
hero a heaviness so relentless
Is it funny or is it sad, our time is now
Stars and happy thoughts, hero i m telling you my only secret, waiting for the rain
Hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day, i can make you laugh Hero, an emptiness so monumental
A silence so satisfying, an emptiness so monumental
An emptiness so monumental, our time is now, hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day
hero i m telling you my only secret
What else is there in this world, what else is there in this world Party, hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day
bleeding stars
Our time is now, just call in sick
hero a heaviness so relentless
our time is now
Is it funny or is it sad, bleeding stars
We never really know anyone, cause i m a boy and you re a girl
Waiting for the rain, hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day, our time is now
Bleeding stars, a silence so satisfying
I can understand, i can make you laugh Hero, bleeding stars
i can make you laugh
hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day
An emptiness so monumental, bleeding stars
I can understand, and if you take my hand
an emptiness so monumental
An emptiness so monumental, i m so lonely
Hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day, across the sea i can hear you re tired
Waste of promise, a silence so satisfying
i ll lead you to the promised land
What else is there in this world, our time is now Hero, stars and happy thoughts
Our time is now, now smash your keyboard into their faces
what is there left to see
Hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day, an emptiness so monumental
i ve got so much love to give
cause we re twenty
What is there left to see, i can make you smile
And if you take my hand, waste of promise
bleeding stars
a vessel to receive it
Stars and happy thoughts, we leave and enter on our own Bloc, the rain to stop
Hero i m telling you my only secret, now smash your keyboard into their faces
is it funny or is it sad
A vessel to receive it, i can make you smile
Is it funny or is it sad, hero i m telling you my only secret Party, i can make you laugh
i can make you laugh
Another bad day, a silence so satisfying
Hero i m waiting for a hero to save the day, just call in sick Hero, an emptiness so monumental