and suddenly opened up his eyes
Than his mother and dad expected, it was a blessing in disguise
So he followed their rules of life by intimidation, another one so neglected
Never again will he beg to be heard by the powers that be, it was a blessing in disguise
you don t have to agree
To open his wings and rise above his world of pain, to the point where he couldn t find an inspiration
And so he will sing of love, because of the freedom that he found, cause he s gotta be free
and no one will ever hold him down
Cause he s gotta be free, repeat chorus, cause he s gotta be free
and no one will ever hold him down
he s been there before and he s learned to ignore what they want him to see
Never again will he beg to be heard by the powers that be, cause one day he opened up his eyes, he s been there before and he s learned to ignore what they want him to see
he started to sing his way to the light
never again will he beg to be heard by the powers that be
He s been there before and he s learned to ignore what they want him to see, it was a blessing in disguise
you don t have to agree
And no one will ever hold him down, so he followed their rules of life by intimidation
Cause one day he opened up his eyes, than his mother and dad expected Started, cause he s gotta be free
He was born with the master key, he ll write down the truth and he ll sing it to you
he was a daytime sleeper
he was a daytime sleeper
They taught him to swallow his dreams and his ambitions, you don t have to agree, then he began to wonder why
So he followed their rules of life by intimidation, he s been there before and he s learned to ignore what they want him to see
Cause he s gotta be free, never again will he beg to be heard by the powers that be To, he was a daytime sleeper
He was born with the master key, then he began to wonder why, he was born with the master key
Cause he s gotta be free, and suddenly opened up his eyes
and no one will ever hold him down
He started to sing his way to the light, because of the freedom that he found
He was a daytime sleeper, he never would go much deeper
He was born with the master key, never again will he change all his words Started, cause one day he opened up his eyes
And started to sing of love just to find it, he was born with the master key He, it was a blessing in disguise
It was a blessing in disguise, you don t have to agree
they taught him to swallow his dreams and his ambitions
They taught him to swallow his dreams and his ambitions, he s been there before and he s learned to ignore what they want him to see, he ll write down the truth and he ll sing it to you
So he followed their rules of life by intimidation, so he followed their rules of life by intimidation
Another one so neglected, never again will he change all his words, he started to sing his way to the light
and so he will sing of love
And started to sing of love just to find it, never again will he beg to be heard by the powers that be, because of the freedom that he found
You don t have to agree, and suddenly opened up his eyes
He ll write down the truth and he ll sing it to you, because of the freedom that he found
he was a daytime sleeper
He never would go much deeper, repeat chorus
Then he began to wonder why, cause one day he opened up his eyes, he ll write down the truth and he ll sing it to you
He started to sing his way to the light, another one so neglected To, never again will he change all his words
Another one so neglected, he was a daytime sleeper Started, they taught him to swallow his dreams and his ambitions
Than his mother and dad expected, never again will he change all his words, he was born with the master key
And so he will sing of love, and suddenly opened up his eyes He, repeat chorus
He was born with the master key, he started to sing his way to the light, it was a blessing in disguise
To the point where he couldn t find an inspiration, he started to sing his way to the light
They told him to buckle down and pay attention, and no one will ever hold him down Bill, and suddenly opened up his eyes
Repeat chorus, then he began to wonder why, you don t have to agree