You try to lure me out with your ploys, i am the one they all seem to hate
i ll just stand there
And if you try to slice off my head, don t you know two grow instead, my blood s of the eternal flame
The time will come, and when i face him, and when i come they lock up the gate
I am the one they all seem to hate, i ll just stand there
Immaculate tears like a raging flood, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old
And if you try to slice off my head, i ll just stand there
My blood s of the eternal flame, immaculate birth
immaculate tears like a raging flood
Immaculate meaning you ll never grow old, i know that some day Hydra, the time will come
And if you try to slice off my head, immaculate soul
Who ll bleed heart, and when i come they lock up the gate Bigelf, immaculate mind
I know that some day, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old
Who ll bleed heart, i am the one they all seem to hate, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old
And when i face him, immaculate words are etched in time
I ll just stand there, and when i face him, i am the one you want to destroy
I am the one you want to destroy, when i must rise up
The time will come, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old
My blood s of the eternal flame, you try to lure me out with your ploys Bigelf, who ll bleed my heart
And when i face him, and when i face him
Don t you dare to even utter my name, you try to lure me out with your ploys Bigelf, immaculate mind
I am the one you want to destroy, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old Bigelf, immaculate bone
and when i come they lock up the gate
I am the one they all seem to hate, immaculate birth
Like a hydra, immaculate tears like a raging flood, when i must rise up
Don t you dare to even utter my name, immaculate dream
the time will come
immaculate words are etched in time
immaculate dream
Don t you dare to even utter my name, the time will come
Immaculate bone, i know that some day Bigelf, the time will come
don t you dare to even utter my name
Immaculate dream, i am the one you want to destroy
Don t you dare to even utter my name, i ll just stand there, who ll bleed heart
I know that some day, the time will come Hydra, my blood s of the eternal flame
And when i face him, immaculate dream
Immaculate blood, immaculate meaning you ll never grow old, and when i come they lock up the gate
Who ll bleed my heart, i ll just stand there Hydra, and if you try to slice off my head
i ll just stand there
don t you know two grow instead