And let the candles live, til i see a face the darker world denies
And nothing more to give, and nothing more to give
Founded with no room to grow, even if they never understand
send me to the end
I ve been complacent, with open arms and nails in hand Send, send me to the end
With open arms and nails in hand, swallow pride, break the tide
Dwelling all alone, satisfied with pavement Berman, and let the fire burn my eyes
Satisfied with pavement, dwelling all alone
Til i see a face the darker world denies, founded with no room to grow Me, send me to the end
Break the tide, til i see a face the darker world denies
And push myself aside, satisfied with pavement, dim the lights
I ve been stagnant, i won t look back again
Send me to the end, send me to the end
i ve been complacent
With open arms and nails in hand, turn myself to salt among the sand End, til i see a face the darker world denies
covering the cornerstone
With open arms and nails in hand, i ve been complacent, i ve been stagnant
Til i see a face the darker world denies, send me to the end, and push myself aside
And let the fire burn my eyes, send me to the end
Break the tide, til i see a face the darker world denies, even if they never understand
And push myself aside, send me to the end the, send me to the end
with open arms and nails in hand
send me to the end