This makes me think of Past Lives. I am always curious about what my past lives were! This also makes me think about my Ancestors. Beautiful, Majestic, Brilliant!
Beltaine is pronounced "bee-al-ten-na" not bell-tane. For anyone wondering. It's opposite Samhain, which is basically ancient Halloween, is pronounced "sow-(as in cow)-an". Not sam-hane.
Beautiful music... I would love to listen to it out under the starry sky! Moonlight shining through the boughs of trees, faeries coming out from their hiding places...
The thing I love about this music is it feels as though its a part of me. I'm Celtic, and every time I hear Celtic music, I feel something stirring inside of me; like the music awakens something that is always there, always has been there, and always will be there. I think it's just something that us Celts inherit; these unique cultural aspects will always be a part of everyone who is Celtic.