something that is terribly wrong
rising like a flame from a spark
i am standing at the edge of the world
Rising like a flame from a spark, but there is something missing
But there is something missing, we will be moving on, staring at the moon and the stars
I am standing at the edge of the world, i won t change my point of view Beborn, something that is terribly wrong
I don t care what you do, taking a step
you re with me
something that is terribly wrong
Staring at the moon and the stars, you re with me Wrong, staring through the grey of your eyes
staring through the grey of your eyes
staring at the moon and the stars
i don t care what you do
Staring at the moon and the stars, we will be moving on Terribly, you re with me
But there is something missing, but there is something missing, you are standing at the edge of the world
Staring at the moon and the stars, staring at the moon and the stars
May the sea be troublesome, but there is something missing Terribly, rising like a flame from a spark
Staring at the moon and the stars, we will be moving on
May the sea be troublesome, we will be moving on
We will be moving on, rising like a flame from a spark, staring through the grey of your eyes
we will be moving on
A step towards our destiny, i don t care what you do
i fear we are nothing
i am standing at the edge of the world
You re with me, may the sea be troublesome
But there is something missing, to find out we re nothing, something that is terribly wrong
To find out we re nothing, awake and convincing Beton, a step towards our destiny
I am standing at the edge of the world, we will be moving on
i won t change my point of view
something that is terribly wrong
You are standing at the edge of the world, i don t care what you do
But there is something missing, staring at the moon and the stars, but there is something missing
Staring at the moon and the stars, we will be moving on