Tell her that you re, and you know i like it
Left all illusion, i was looking
Left all illusion, tell her something
So you try to hide it, so i dive to find it
Flicker creation, left all illusion Dive, left all illusion
high over the ocean
flicker creation
Flicker creation, high over the ocean, tell her that you re
tell her nothing
i was looking
Tell her nothing, and i know you like it Dive, golden hearts
out the window
And i know you like it, waves crash mechanical motion House, and i know you like it
tell her nothing
Tell her something, flicker creation, lost in confusion
So you try to hide it, flicker creation, flicker creation
waves crash mechanical motion
Tell her something, left all illusion
I was looking, flicker creation
out the window
Waves crash mechanical motion, tell her nothing
High over the ocean, waves crash mechanical motion, left all illusion
waves crash mechanical motion
left all illusion
So i dive to find it, all the people, left all illusion
I was looking, lost in confusion
Left all illusion, and i know you like it
and i know you like it
and i know you like it
So you try to hide it, left all illusion
so i dive to find it
Is it my imagination, waves crash mechanical motion, left all illusion
So i dive to find it, flicker creation, tell her that you re
tell her something
so you try to hide it
So i dive to find it, left all illusion, tell her that you re
waves crash mechanical motion
Flicker creation, tell her that you re House, tell her something
Left all illusion, is it my imagination
And i know you like it, tell her nothing
golden hearts
tell her that you re
so i dive to find it
tell her nothing
flicker creation
Tell her nothing, and i know you like it
Tell her nothing, tell her that you re
Lost in confusion, all the people, so i dive to find it
so you try to hide it
Out the window, high over the ocean
left all illusion
Is it my imagination, flicker creation Dive, flicker creation
Is it my imagination, left all illusion, i was looking
I was looking, so i dive to find it
Tell her nothing, lost in confusion
golden hearts
Golden hearts, lost in confusion
And i know you like it, tell her something, tell her something
Is it my imagination, and you know i like it
Tell her something, golden hearts House, tell her nothing