I don't think that pedals/no pedals is a dirty little secret in jazz organ. It's true that many B3 players don't play pedals, or just use the left foot to emphasize the root--or play a turnaround at the end of a line. There are many men and women, however, who do play pedals. Foot size is immaterial. More important is musical background. Did the player study organ? (This isn't that important in jazz, though.) Joey D. can play the heck out of the pedals, by the way.
She’s just incredible. She’s like a (soulful-swingin’) four tentacle extension. For me is Barbara with the two Jimmy’s (Smith & McGriff), the best ever (B-3) organists! Dig & Cheers!
Considering that jazz organ's dirty little secret is that most organists don't play the pedals, Barbara's dexterity is something to be applauded wildly. (In fact, it seem like the woman jazz organ players are the ones who play the pedals--thinner feet?)
Sounds groovy. Having weighted keys is a must to get a real pipe organ feel when playing. No tracker action also.
How accurate sound the sample sets when playing using headphones? On many mechanical action pipe organs, the organist sits much lower or has a Ruckpositiv behind his/her back, making for a very different sound scape at the console?? Of course at large church organs with a detached console and electric transmission, the player can set right in front of the audience and experience the same sound scape.