BAP - Kristallnaach free for downloading

  • Artist: BAP
  • Song: Kristallnaach
  • Music Genre: Pop
  • Length: 04:58
  • Filesize: 11.6MB
  • Kbps: 320Kbps
Download BAP - Kristallnaach

Top songs BAP

# Song Kbps Length
1 BAP - Aff un Zo 320 05:21
2 BAP - Ahn 'Ner Leitplank 192 06:21
3 BAP - Alexandra, nit nur do 256 05:47
4 BAP - All Die Aureblecke 320 04:21
5 BAP - Alles em Lot 256 05:03
6 BAP - Besser Wöhr Et Schon 192 05:32
7 BAP - Bunte Trümmer 320 04:18
8 BAP - Denn Mer Sinn Widder Wer 320 05:29
9 BAP - Eins Für Carmen Un En Insel 192 03:36
10 BAP - Häng De Fahn Eruss 320 02:43
11 BAP - Helfe kann dir keiner 192 04:24
12 BAP - Jojo 320 04:55
13 BAP - Koot Vöör Aach 320 03:32
14 BAP - Lena 320 04:53
15 BAP - Mayday! 320 03:27
16 BAP - Met Wolke Schwaade 160 04:29
17 BAP - Rääts Un Links Vum Bahndamm 256 05:37
18 BAP - Silver Un Jold 256 05:19
19 BAP - Stadt Im Niemandsland 320 05:47
20 BAP - Verdamp Lang Her 320 05:48
21 BAP - Vis À Vis 320 05:03
22 BAP - Vum Donnernde Lääve 320 02:38
23 BAP - Vum Donnernde Lääve (Reprise) 320 01:14
24 BAP - Vun Mir Uss Kitsch 320 02:55
25 BAP - Wahnsinn 320 04:20
26 BAP - Wat E' Johr! 320 05:05
27 BAP - Wat, Usser Rock'N' Roll 192 05:19
28 BAP - Wie, Wo Un Wann? 256 05:06



2021-03-07 07:55:40 | Profile
The song was written in the early 80s and needs to be put into the political context of the time (80's). As horrific as the actual Reichskristallnacht was, this song is actually not about that event, but rather all form of intolerance, especially that resulting in societal streams up to lynch mobs, and in that sense the song was and is applicable to any type of difference and the song specifically makes those references: ess täglich Kristallnaach! Timely and timeless.


2020-08-10 20:29:49 | Profile

Jason Cook

2020-07-22 00:30:57 | Profile
This song is so true. Nowadays in Holland we are already suffering from the 'manchmal klirrt et vertraut'.... and "Auslander sind Aussatz"... Culture and art are already killed. Only common flat stupid entertainment is ok now... It's scary.....


2020-06-18 20:21:14 | Profile
 I discovered BAP in 1986 Through Ahl Männer, aalglatt album. My poor German helped me to understand the overall meaning of the songs (thanks for the translation from Kolnsh to German). BAP is not only doing good rock, they do very meaningful songs too. Great great rock band.

Khokh Kokoev

2020-06-15 06:24:44 | Profile
The best german song of all times.

Markanthony Berry

2020-05-27 18:19:45 | Profile
My God, this takes me back. My very first night in Germany, feeling very alone (my friends, who I was staying with were struggling to hitch-hike back from Heidelberg) and I turned on the radio to hear BAP in concert from the Lorelei. The best concert I have ever heard, seen or been to (still to this day). I was completely blown away!

Jannesha Ford

2020-05-15 20:33:12 | Profile
Epic song, love it. Was dancing to this in the 80s. Greetings from The Netherlands. BTW Kölsch and Limburgisch have a lot in common.

boude boude

2020-05-13 16:41:10 | Profile
One of the greatest bands in Deutschland.