He s dirty and mean, and you don t know where he s been Mr, cos he s mister sleaze
He s dirty and mean, he may look cute but he s unclean
And you don t know where he s been, he ll bring you to your knees, and you don t know where he s been
He s dirty and mean, he s just a sleaze machine Sleaze, and you don t know where he s been
he s dirty and mean
He s just a sleaze machine, he s dirty and mean
he s just a sleaze machine
He s dirty and mean, he s only here to tease Mr, he may look cute but he s unclean
He s not here to please, he s dirty and mean
He s not here to please, he may look cute but he s unclean, and you don t know where he s been
Cos he s mister sleaze, he may look cute but he s unclean
he s just a sleaze machine
He s just a sleaze machine, he s not here to please, he s just a sleaze machine
He s just a sleaze machine, he s only here to tease
He s dirty and mean, he may look cute but he s unclean
He s only here to tease, he s dirty and mean
he s only here to tease
He s just a sleaze machine, he s not here to please
He ll bring you to your knees, he s only here to tease
He s dirty and mean, he may look cute but he s unclean, he s only here to tease
he s dirty and mean
He s dirty and mean, he s not here to please Bananarama, he ll bring you to your knees
He ll bring you to your knees, he ll bring you to your knees
He s just a sleaze machine, he may look cute but he s unclean Bananarama, cos he s mister sleaze
he s just a sleaze machine
and you don t know where he s been
He s only here to tease, he may look cute but he s unclean Mr, he s dirty and mean
He s dirty and mean, he s dirty and mean, he s just a sleaze machine
And you don t know where he s been, cos he s mister sleaze Mr, he s not here to please
He s just a sleaze machine, he s just a sleaze machine Mr, he s just a sleaze machine
he s just a sleaze machine
cos he s mister sleaze
Cos he s mister sleaze, he s only here to tease Bananarama, he s not here to please
He s just a sleaze machine, he s not here to please
he s just a sleaze machine
He s dirty and mean, he s dirty and mean Sleaze, he s only here to tease
he ll bring you to your knees
And you don t know where he s been, he ll bring you to your knees, he s just a sleaze machine
and you don t know where he s been
he s not here to please
He s not here to please, and you don t know where he s been
he s dirty and mean
And you don t know where he s been, cos he s mister sleaze
He s dirty and mean, he s dirty and mean Sleaze, he s not here to please
He s only here to tease, cos he s mister sleaze, he s not here to please
He s dirty and mean, and you don t know where he s been
he s just a sleaze machine
he s dirty and mean
He ll bring you to your knees, he s dirty and mean Bananarama, he s not here to please
He s only here to tease, he s dirty and mean
He s only here to tease, cos he s mister sleaze Bananarama, he s just a sleaze machine
He s just a sleaze machine, he s not here to please, he s only here to tease
Cos he s mister sleaze, he may look cute but he s unclean
He s dirty and mean, he s dirty and mean Bananarama, he s only here to tease
he s dirty and mean