Are you crying, were you crying Avey, try if you follow me
There have been days you feel so sad, are you crying
Are you crying, were you crying Lucky, were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying Avey, were you crying
Try if you follow me, you feel like the lucky one
Are you crying, were you crying, were you crying
were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying, there have been days you feel so sad
Were you crying, were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying
were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying, were you crying
were you crying
You feel like the lucky one, glad you could feel better shade
There have been days you feel so sad, there have been days you feel so sad
Are you crying, were you crying
there have been days you feel so sad
You feel like the lucky one, were you crying, try if you follow me
Were you crying, are you crying, were you crying
Were you crying, are you crying
Die in a bed of shade, fly off from harder days, there have been days you feel so sad
There have been days you feel so sad, try if you follow me, were you crying
Were you crying, are you crying, were you crying
were you crying
Were you crying, die in a bed of shade
were you crying
were you crying
Are you crying, were you crying
Die in a bed of shade, there have been days you feel so sad, were you crying
Die in a bed of shade, were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying
Were you crying, feel like the lucky one
Are you crying, were you crying, there have been days you feel so sad
Were you crying, try if you follow me, were you crying
were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying Tare, were you crying
Are you crying, glad you could feel better shade
Were you crying, were you crying
were you crying
Were you crying, were you crying
Are you crying, were you crying, fly off from harder days
fly off from harder days
were you crying
There have been days you feel so sad, were you crying
you feel like the lucky one
Glad you could feel better shade, there have been days you feel so sad
Were you crying, were you crying, were you crying
Are you crying, were you crying