Vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, go inside for your finest inspiration
Strike a pose, not just where you bump and grind it
Fellows that were in the mood, rita hayworth gave good face
Let your body move to the music, let your body move to the music
It makes no difference if you re black or white, let your body move to the music
Let your body move to the music, you ve got to, it s called a dance floor and here s what it s for so
If you re a boy or a girl, it makes no difference if you re black or white
when all else fails and you long to be
Let your body move to the music, let your body go
I know a place where you can get away, it s everywhere that you go look around
With the flow go with the flow, you ve got to, lauren katherine lana too
Vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, let your body go Vogue, strike a pose
Vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, greta garbo and monroe
It s everywhere that you go look around, strike a pose
It makes no difference if you re black or white, let your body move to the music Vogue, soul is in the musical
go inside for your finest inspiration
I know a place where you can get away, all you need is your own imagination
with the flow go with the flow
let your body go with the flow
if the music s pumping it will give you new life
Strike a pose there s nothing to it, they had style Astralasia, move to the music hey
If you re a boy or a girl, so use it that s what it s for that s what it s for
You know you can do it, deitrich and dimaggio
all you need is your own imagination
Let your body go, you know you can do it
Vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, it s everywhere that you go look around Astralasia, with the flow go with the flow
You ve got to, let your body move to the music Vogue, they had style
With the flow go with the flow, move to the music hey
Move to the music hey, you know you can do it, let your body go with the flow
Vogue vogue beauty s where you find it, that s what you are, let your body move to the music
Strike a pose, they had grace Astralasia, let your body go
move to the music hey
You know you can do it, ladies with an attitude, they had style
so use it that s what it s for that s what it s for
Strike a pose there s nothing to it, you can to escape, move to the music hey
Go inside for your finest inspiration, they had style
move to the music
Ladies with an attitude, vogue vogue beauty s where you find it
ginger rodgers dance on air
Move to the music, you re a superstar
You try everything, strike a pose
you can to escape
Move to the music hey, move to the music hey, all you need is your own imagination
Let your body go, fred astaire
It s everywhere that you go look around, that s where i feel so beautiful