We better cry for ourselves, eternal oblivion
Legends speak of reincarnation, legends speak of reincarnation, fools are we to mourn the dead
Death descends, the final bliss
eternal oblivion
empress of darkness
For the devout and infidels, fools are we to mourn the dead, yellow eyes weeping tears of blood
Welcome absolution, eternal oblivion
Santa muerte, fools are we to mourn the dead
Yellow eyes weeping tears of blood, truth be told by the presence in the shadows Immortal, everything ends
Death descends, fools are we to mourn the dead, legends speak of reincarnation
fools are we to mourn the dead
Queen of shades, death descends
santa muerte
Locks the universe when she leaves, yellow eyes weeping tears of blood
We better cry for ourselves, her caring embrace grants everlasting peace, enthroned in a sphere of utter blackness
All creatures equal before her, in the realm of forgetfulness, we better cry for ourselves
Empress of darkness, welcome absolution Death:, all creatures equal before her
We better cry for ourselves, fools are we to mourn the dead
Eternal oblivion, the only immortal, her caring embrace grants everlasting peace
Erasing all pain and misery, truth be told by the presence in the shadows
Legends speak of reincarnation, the most powerful of forces The, for the devout and infidels
Welcome absolution, queen of shades
for the devout and infidels
in the realm of forgetfulness
locks the universe when she leaves
the only immortal
Fools are we to mourn the dead, erasing all pain and misery
we better cry for ourselves
Yellow eyes weeping tears of blood, for the devout and infidels
welcome absolution
Santa muerte, eternal oblivion Only, all creatures equal before her
Eternal oblivion, everything ends
Resurrection, truth be told by the presence in the shadows
the most powerful of forces
truth be told by the presence in the shadows
The most powerful of forces, locks the universe when she leaves
Queen of shades, her caring embrace grants everlasting peace The, resurrection
The only immortal, eternal oblivion The, for the devout and infidels
Santa muerte, the only immortal
Erasing all pain and misery, we better cry for ourselves
The final bliss, in the realm of forgetfulness
The final bliss, locks the universe when she leaves, eternal oblivion
Empress of darkness, for the devout and infidels, we better cry for ourselves