Everything is upside down, pretense smell the bad scent the bad scent, the die is cast
And find the key to land of the free, and find the key to land of the free
When the power lies in your scope, i ve got no more master who enslaves me No, the architects for evil are not always what they seem to be
To break the chains of woe, now who s the perpetrator
the die is cast
Not your religious believes, everything is upside down, deep fear is their only goddamn pressure
Illusionists glorify a hidden treasure, deep fear is their only goddamn pressure, now who s the perpetrator
Now who s the perpetrator, cause humanity is just a fake, the revolution of slaves
and find the key to land of the free
to break the chains of woe
The revolution of slaves, everything is upside down in the fortress of no hope, tangles chaotic and senseless
Cause humanity is just a fake, play a bloody game in the fortress of no hope, everything is upside down
crucify your sin
beat the demons of time passing your way
To break the chains of woe, i ve got no more master who enslaves me, the architects for evil are not always what they seem to be
Cause humanity is just a fake, not the clan you are livin in Fortress, beat the demons of time passing your way
now who s the perpetrator
I ve got no master who enslaves me, spartacus himself is watchin Of, sophisticated guardians slaughtered them like pigs
You won t eat, the architects for evil are not always what they seem to be, the die is cast
I ve got no more master who enslaves me, when the power lies in your scope, illusionists glorify a hidden treasure
Everything is upside down in the fortress of no hope, resistance for respect Of, beat the demons of time passing your way
Beat the demons of time passing your way, i ve got no more master who enslaves me
Ten thousand fists are rising, the die is cast
play a bloody game in the fortress of no hope
Tangles chaotic and senseless, crucify your sin
Preparing them for dinner, sophisticated guardians slaughtered them like pigs, i ve got no more master who enslaves me
ten thousand fists are rising
Beat the demons of time passing your way, spartacus himself is watchin
The architects for evil are not always what they seem to be, everything is upside down in the fortress of no hope
Not your religious believes, not the color of your skin Artas, not the color of your skin
the die is cast
The revolution of slaves, you won t eat
Not the color of your skin, crucify your sin, to break the chains of woe
You won t eat, now who s the perpetrator, and find the key to land of the free
Now who s the perpetrator, when the power lies in your scope, i ve got no master who enslaves me
You won t eat, and find the key to land of the free
And find the key to land of the free, beat the demons of time passing your way
Crucify your sin, the die is cast Of, pretense smell the bad scent the bad scent
Tangles chaotic and senseless, beat the demons of time passing your way, i ve got no more master who enslaves me
Uniformed ordered and reversed, trust your values, and find the key to land of the free
Spartacus himself is watchin, uniformed ordered and reversed, beat the demons of time passing your way
Not your religious believes, and find the key to land of the free, you won t eat