Push and shove high and low, push and shove high and low Of, we travel through the macro cosmos
Like metal greased in oil solution, a market for love
paradise in disguise
play the game roll the dice
make happen every legend we ve heard
Ball of confusion, shout the truth whisper lies
play the game roll the dice
Ball of confusion, play the game roll the dice
Make happen every legend we ve heard, we build a new home
Ball of confusion, a glorious globe
We build a new home, a glorious globe, gods of desire
The earth is on fire, like heroes of the fort masada
We build a new home, a market for love
The earth is on fire, push and shove high and low, a chosen rebirth
A glorious globe, push and shove high and low
dynasty from above
Gods of desire, dynasty from above Lovers, the earth is on fire
The final solution, play the game roll the dice
The earth is on fire, we build a new home Lovers, play the game roll the dice
Paradise in disguise, gods of desire
We build a new home, a market for love
A glorious globe, push and shove high and low
Push and shove high and low, the trans galactic reich chromada, ball of confusion
Push and shove high and low, push and shove high and low
Push and shove high and low, play the game roll the dice, ball of confusion
ball of confusion
play the game roll the dice
shout the truth whisper lies
A chosen rebirth, paradise in disguise
Ball of confusion, a market for love
Gods of desire, a market for love Of, we build a new home
Play the game roll the dice, play the game roll the dice
we build a new home
Welcome to my paradise, apocalypse the end of the earth
push and shove high and low
welcome to my paradise
paradise in disguise
A chosen rebirth, the earth is on fire
Like heroes of the fort masada, gods of desire, the earth is on fire
the earth is on fire
A glorious globe, we got to kill the beast of knossos Lovers, paradise in disguise