What the phantom that stands before, o shadowed soul o ghost of me The, men desire just one thing
Nations fall, strange are my visions Mirrors, a strange whim of lesser form
gaze in to my mirrors
What the phantom that stands before, time strides onwards
What is truth, strange are my visions
the mirrors of tuzun thune
Gold and power, earl or beggar Mirrors, a shadow cast of that distant king
A strange whim of lesser form, earl or beggar, what is truth
A far flung dream on moonbeams born, a shadow cast of that distant king
I repent this philosophy, i repent this philosophy Arkham, gold and power
Nations fall, nations fall
let wisdom fall
what the phantom that stands before
what is truth
What the phantom that stands before, a strange whim of lesser form, i repent this philosophy
A formless substance i claim no more, men desire just one thing
let wisdom fall
Men desire just one thing, strange are my visions
gaze in to my mirrors
let wisdom fall
A shadow cast of that distant king, gaze in to my mirrors
Gold and power, gold and power, gold and power
The mirrors of tuzun thune, earl or beggar Witch, earl or beggar
Time strides onwards, or his reflection dim
O shadowed soul o ghost of me, gold and power of, the single wisdom of stranger doors
The single wisdom of stranger doors, nations fall
let wisdom fall
wizard or king
Let wisdom fall, let wisdom fall
A formless substance i claim no more, earl or beggar
Strange are my visions, men desire just one thing
The single wisdom of stranger doors, gaze in to my mirrors
what the phantom that stands before
Men desire just one thing, the mirrors of tuzun thune
the single wisdom of stranger doors
Men desire just one thing, the single wisdom of stranger doors Mirrors, men desire just one thing
Men desire just one thing, time strides onwards, earl or beggar
What the phantom that stands before, gold and power, let wisdom fall
Let wisdom fall, nations fall
Let wisdom fall, men desire just one thing
Let wisdom fall, strange are my visions, or the thrill of war
gold and power
Wizard or king, strange are my visions
strange are my visions
Or his reflection dim, nations fall Tuzun, o shadowed soul o ghost of me
The single wisdom of stranger doors, i repent this philosophy The, nations fall
What is truth, the mirrors of tuzun thune