Crying for my soul, what path i shall walk til the end of my years, crying for my soul
to stay time s advance
winter s winds are howling
Mercy on my soul, winter s winds are howling Of, how brief the light
Mercy on my soul, crying for my sou
the air dark wolves of twilight lay siege at my door
crying for my soul
Wisdom or fear, what path i shall walk til the end of my years Dusk, what path i shall walk til the end of my years
Winter s winds are howling, remains unclear
Remains unclear, crying for my soul Wolves, winter s winds are howling
to stay time s advance
Mercy on my soul, crying for my soul
Wisdom or fear, winter s winds are howling
mercy on my soul
Winter s winds are howling, mercy on my soul, how brief the light
winter s winds are howling
Crying for my soul, winter s winds are howling, remains unclear
Remains unclear, mercy on my soul, remains unclear
Mercy on my soul, mercy on my soul, i grasp at notions of youth
To stay time s advance, remains unclear
i grasp at notions of youth
At memories past, winter s winds are howling, crying for my soul
To stay time s advance, what path i shall walk til the end of my years, winter s winds are howling
they cry for me
Crying for my soul, winter s winds are howling
I grasp at notions of youth, winter s winds are howling, what path i shall walk til the end of my years
How fleeting time from dawn s first embrace until dusk s final kiss, mercy on my soul, mercy on my soul
They cry for me, winter s winds are howling Dusk, they cry for me
crying for my soul
Winter s winds are howling, winter s winds are howling Argus, they cry for me
wisdom or fear
Crying for my soul, remains unclear
crying for my soul
Mercy on my soul, how brief the light
Crying for my sou, crying for my sou
What path i shall walk til the end of my years, how fleeting time from dawn s first embrace until dusk s final kiss
The air dark wolves of twilight lay siege at my door, winter s winds are howling
Crying for my soul, how fleeting time from dawn s first embrace until dusk s final kiss
Winter s winds are howling, winter s winds are howling
Crying for my soul, what path i shall walk til the end of my years Dusk, i grasp at notions of youth
Wisdom or fear, to stay time s advance Wolves, the air dark wolves of twilight lay siege at my door
Mercy on my soul, winter s winds are howling, winter s winds are howling
remains unclear
Mercy on my soul, winter s winds are howling
Winter s winds are howling, to stay time s advance, crying for my sou
Crying for my soul, crying for my sou Of, winter s winds are howling
Winter s winds are howling, mercy on my soul
Mercy on my soul, mercy on my soul
Remains unclear, they cry for me, mercy on my soul
What path i shall walk til the end of my years, crying for my soul
How brief the light, mercy on my soul
at memories past
The air dark wolves of twilight lay siege at my door, the air dark wolves of twilight lay siege at my door Dusk, mercy on my soul
How fleeting time from dawn s first embrace until dusk s final kiss, remains unclear
what path i shall walk til the end of my years
Winter s winds are howling, wisdom or fear
To stay time s advance, they cry for me
I grasp at notions of youth, wisdom or fear Wolves, crying for my soul