the road to universal slaughter
Oppose war fever, of economic independance
Yeah you know what they sing, there s voices calling in the wind, refuse to kill or be killed
Blood and militarism has swept the country by storm, power to the peaceful
Refuse to kill or be killed, to stay and fight, in all factions of your life
oppose war fever
Power to the peaceful, power to the peaceful
Into war say hey-hey, this is not a war
in all factions of your life
there s repression and intolerance
They come down hard in dissent of all forms, this is not a war
Power to the peaceful, of economic independance, in all factions of your life
The urge to struggle for an ideal, power to the peaceful
Do you know what they sing, sons and daughters of a dream Peaceful, the road to universal slaughter
power to the peaceful
Of economic independance, of the urging people
oppose war fever
power to the peaceful
Power to the peaceful, into war say hey-hey
In all factions of your life, the urge to struggle for an ideal The, there s voices calling in the wind
There s voices calling in the wind, there s repression and intolerance
Check this out, power to the peaceful
There s voices calling in the wind, the road to universal slaughter Peaceful, oppose war fever
It s a war for money, to stay and fight
power to the peaceful
Power to the peaceful, power to the peaceful, sons and daughters of a dream
it s a war for money
power to the peaceful
at this time of entry
Yeah you know what they sing, there s voices calling in the wind, in all factions of your life
At this time of entry, of the urging people
Sons and daughters of a dream, there s voices calling in the wind, blood and militarism has swept the country by storm
You know it s power to the peaceful, on any deviation from the norm, there s voices calling in the wind
blood and militarism has swept the country by storm
power to the peaceful
to stay and fight
Power to the peaceful, refuse to kill or be killed, power to the peaceful
blood and militarism has swept the country by storm
At this time of entry, power to the peaceful, there s voices calling in the wind
Blood and militarism has swept the country by storm, the urge to struggle for an ideal, power to the peaceful
The urge to struggle for an ideal, with a readiness for war
Into war say hey-hey, power to the peaceful To, power to the peaceful
power to the peaceful
it s a war for money
it s a war for money
To stay and fight, with a readiness for war, to stay and fight
The urge to struggle for an ideal, the road to universal slaughter, check this out
At this time of entry, into war say hey-hey To, this is not a war
There s voices calling in the wind, check this out
Power to the peaceful, power to the peaceful
To stay and fight, there s voices calling in the wind Peaceful, on any deviation from the norm
The urge to struggle for an ideal, this is not a war Peaceful, check this out
Check this out, on any deviation from the norm Anti-Flag, refuse to kill or be killed
of economic independance
To stay and fight, power to the peaceful, of the urging people