Centre of my hand, beas now falls onto the blade
beast now falls onto the blade
High on blood, altar of stone
ram s head grain of sand
Ram s head grain of sand, beas now falls onto the blade, ram s head grain of sand
Triangle of flame, slit wrist lunatics
You hold the key, lamb waits to be slain, bow only to me
you have the knife
Crawling out from caves, high on blood
triangle of flame
Triangle of flame, beas now falls onto the blade Pentacle, death s hand
Triangle of flame, ram s head grain of sand, ram s head grain of sand
death s hand
You hold the key, bow only to me
High on blood, stand in the doorway
high on blood
Lamb waits to be slain, altar of stone
High on blood, crawling out from caves, stand in the doorway
slit wrist lunatics
Cut out your eyes, death s hand
Bow only to me, cut out your eyes, cut out your eyes
High on blood, beas now falls onto the blade
Lamb waits to be slain, triangle of flame Anciients, gnawing your tongue
Writhing snake, centre of my hand Pentacle, cut out your eyes
Altar of stone, high on blood
Bow only to me, you hold the key Pentacle, death s hand
High on blood, altar of stone
Ram s head grain of sand, gnawing your tongue
Cut out your eyes, you hold the key
Stand in the doorway, ram s head grain of sand
Ram s head grain of sand, crawling out from caves
you have the knife
death s hand
crawling out from caves
slit wrist lunatics
Beast now falls onto the blade, crawling out from caves, triangle of flame
high on blood
Bow only to me, you hold the key Anciients, crawling out from caves
high on blood
Gnawing your tongue, centre of my hand