Andrew4s bay as we passed by, andrew4s bay as we passed by An, he4s on the ocean
What colour of clothes did your willie wear, did my willie boy sail on board with you
Indeed fair maiden, when she met a captain and his jolly crew, his hair was black
Dig it long and dig it deep, i had to part for my willie boy
Oh please dear captain, when willie went to serve the king, dig it long and dig it deep
when willie went to serve the king
At every line she cried willie dear, she was a lady in deep despair, what colour of hair had your willie dear
He4s on the ocean, tell me true
Dig it long and dig it deep, dig it long and dig it deep
She crashed her boat against a rock, she crashed her boat against a rock Boy, andrew4s bay as we passed by
At every line she cried willie dear, his hair was black, what colour of hair had your willie dear
He is not here, 4twas early in the month of spring
father make me a boat
And at my head lay a gentle dove, tell me true
when willie went to serve the king
When she met a captain and his jolly crew, and his heart was true
And in this letter she wrote a song, she shook her head and she tore her hair Dubh, at every line she cried willie dear
Did my willie boy sail on board with you, father make me a boat
did my willie boy sail on board with you
I lost nine more and your willie boy, dig it long and dig it deep
Indeed fair maiden, father make me a boat
And at my head lay a gentle dove, did my willie boy sail on board with you, 4twas early in the month of spring
she shook her head and she tore her hair
I will enquire for my willie boy, she wrote a letter and she wrote it long, that4s all i know
When willie went to serve the king, he4s on the deep that i greatly fear
She was a lady in deep despair, father make me a grave Cat, what colour of hair had your willie dear
I will enquire for my willie boy, he is not here An, oh please dear captain
Did my willie boy sail on board with you, she wrote a letter and she wrote it long
Dig it long and dig it deep, crying how could i live when my love is lost Dubh, she wrote a letter and she wrote it long
indeed fair maiden
i had to part for my willie boy
I lost nine more and your willie boy, andrew4s bay as we passed by
she shook her head and she tore her hair
he4s on the deep that i greatly fear
She crashed her boat against a rock, she sailed the sea for one day or two
At every line she cried willie dear, i4ll watch the ships as they pass by Cat, he4s on the ocean
And at my head lay a gentle dove, oh please dear captain Dubh, 4twas early in the month of spring
she sailed the sea for one day or two
So the world will know that i died of love, i lost nine more and your willie boy
father make me a grave
she wrote a letter and she wrote it long
I4ll watch the ships as they pass by, at every line she cried willie dear
He4s on the ocean, so the world will know that i died of love
Father make me a grave, what colour of hair had your willie dear
And in this letter she wrote a song, i had to part for my willie boy Willie, she sailed the sea for one day or two
he is not here