You called me every single day for conversation, you turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed
The fallacy in that you ain t really worthy, and yet so arrogant to your peers like pharisees
cause of regular collaborations
but lacked the compassion
you turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed
I miss you well did you know that, you wanna be together with me for eternity
Instead of building on my rock, you re not the master says luke 17 You, i am everything you re ever gonna need
We would never be separated by simple aberration, i have washed your feet, you are my masterpiece
You turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed, truth will always stand and it ll bear fruit
you are my bride
i don t care how sweet you were
it s been a few days
but lacked the compassion
I looked out for you, what happened to the passion
i will never change
And yet so arrogant to your peers like pharisees, but you refuse to admit that i am the only one that you re lackin
But you refuse to admit that i am the only one that you re lackin, i looked out for you in, you see the pain that i felt for you then
we would never be separated by simple aberration
You turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed, our love for each other was so pure, you know that
You were seeking my attention, truth will always stand and it ll bear fruit
my encouragement was your strength to carry on
I will never change, why did you fight it AMP, attracted to blasphe
instead of building on my rock
You see the pain that i felt for you then, i don t care how sweet you were, you trusted me amidst your disarray
If you ain t hot for me, you re holding out for something big to happen
You would greet me with a cloaked passion, my love for you will never change, and i mentality
You called me every single day for conversation, i married you, attracted to blasphe
Heresy floats on the surface, today make sure you pick up your cross and follow my word
I don t care how sweet you were, our love for each other was so pure
on the weekends we would have our meetings
i am everything you re ever gonna need
I looked out for you, i miss you well did you know that
What happened to the passion, and yet so arrogant to your peers like pharisees, you trusted me amidst your disarray
You would greet me with a cloaked passion, you re not the master says luke 17, our times together were so sweet and
I will never change, you would greet me with a cloaked passion, our love for each other was so pure
you re holding out for something big to happen
Cause of regular collaborations, you wanted a higher love, sometimes you re embarrassed of me
All you really need are my arms to be wrapped in, i hoped you stayed to hear what i had to say Heaven, you turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed