Future fire never burn out, silver constellations, this sunrise
We can t fight the frequency, this ghost becomes my skin and bones
feel the night above the nations
I feel it coming on, this ghost becomes my skin and bones
Don t burn out, detonate the signal
Start static on a chain reaction, a flick of flame before we die, detonate the signal
this is a new day rising
This ghost becomes my skin and bones, this is our time to shine
Our future lies in sound and visions, start static on a chain reaction
We re waiting, this is a new day rising
This is our time to shine, detonate the signal, we can t fight the frequency
This is a new day rising, this is a new day rising
A flick of flame before we die, silver constellations Frequency, a flick of flame before we die
This ghost becomes my skin and bones, we can t fight the frequency
this sunrise
i feel it coming on
With radiation low, this sunrise, i feel us breaking free
i feel us breaking free
A better life, surrender to the sky
I feel it coming on, this is our time to shine, we can t fight the frequency
I feel us breaking free, we can t fight the frequency
Surrender to the sky, surrender to the sky Frequency, feel the night above the nations
Start static on a chain reaction, with radiation low, transmission turn me on
Detonate the signal, our future lies in sound and visions, this is our time to shine
Pirate satellite transmission, this is a new day rising Fight, start static on a chain reaction
future fire never burn out
We can t fight the frequency, we can t fight the frequency, this ghost becomes my skin and bones
A flick of flame before we die, don t burn out
I feel us breaking free, silver constellations, we re waiting
A better life, i feel us breaking free, we re waiting
transmission turn me on
don t burn out
detonate the signal
we can t fight the frequency
We can t fight the frequency, transmission turn me on Frequency, i feel us breaking free
this ghost becomes my skin and bones
we can t fight the frequency
We can t fight the frequency, future fire never burn out Frequency, a flick of flame before we die
I feel us breaking free, i feel us breaking free
Start static on a chain reaction, transmission turn me on Frequency, transmission turn me on
this is our time to shine
start static on a chain reaction
Transmission turn me on, future fire never burn out Hi-Fi, don t burn out
start static on a chain reaction
i feel us breaking free